9 Linc

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I always picture someone like Jake from New Girl to play Howard. 

What do you guys think? 

Happy reading! 


It has been a full week since Auden and I kissed. I have seen her multiple times and tried to talk to her twice but it seems she wants to pretend it didn't happen. I know it is because I left but I was nervous. She makes me nervous and now my whole plan is fucked! I don't know how she would want to fuck around with me now that I acted like a little shit. God, I am so stupid! I should have stayed! I should have fucked her! I wanted to! There was no part of me that wanted to wimp out and leave but I did. What am I supposed to do now? I want to kiss her but will she let me? 

Auden texted me that she and Sutten would be waiting for Jace and me outside our English building for us. Since everyone else had our class, Sutten begged me to get my dad to talk to an advisor and move her preppy ass into our class. Auden seemed pleased with the news so at least it paid off a little. 

Jace and I walk up to the English building and Sutten is in deep conversation with Auden about something. There is no sign of Eliot and Gabe so I am assuming that they are inside. Auden catches both mine and Jace's attention with her outfit today. Other than when we were in her dorm room on Monday, I hadn't seen much of her body. She likes jeans and jumpers, but today I really see her. She's got on a loose black dress with a low cut v showing off her chest. Her legs are out but they're shiny. I hadn't realized before how olive her skin is and it is amazing.

As we get closer, Jace pinches my arm," What the hell man?"

"You might want to pick your jaw up off the floor before we get over there." I wasn't starring at her that hard was I? Damnit Lincoln get a hold of yourself! She is just a girl! 

Jace goes and puts his arm around Sutten and she flutters her fake eyelashes at him. At first, I thought she wanted Eliot but her focus is on Jace. Auden rolls her eyes at me and I chuckle a little. It seems Jace got Sutten quicker than I thought he would. I should talk to him about that later. 

Her hair is different today. It is shiny and straight. I wonder why she would want to do that when she has the best hair ever. I have never seen a girl with just naturally beautiful hair. It is copper and bouncy and wavy- uniquely captivating. God, I sound fucking creepy in my head. 

"So what were you fine ladies discussing before we got here?" Jace asks, still having his arm draped over Sutten's bare shoulder. Are they dating? Sleeping together? Why am I suddenly out of the loop with my people?

Sutten looks to Auden asking her silently if she can share and Auden turns away from us, "Well, apparently our little Auden's dad is our British Literature professor."

She looks incredibly embarrassed by Sutten's announcement and begins to fidget with her fingers. "Really? Why not tell us?" Jace asks confused.

Auden gives a fake smile, clearly not wanting to show how uncomfortable she is, I feel a little excited because this is the first piece of the personal information I have gotten from this woman. "We aren't close." Her words are abrupt and to the point- she hates sharing personal information. 

Auden walks away and throws her long hair over her shoulder, "He's her dad? Like for real?" I ask Sutten.

She nods a little and then kisses Jace's cheek, "I did her hair and makeup today! Doesn't she look great?" 

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