"What is your wish that is better than being King of the Gods?" he asks.

"I wish that the law preventing gods from seeing their kids was abolished." I state.

Now I know what you're thinking. 'But Percy, if you were king of the gods, you could make the decision yourself.' Yeah, but I really don't want to be restricted by the Ancient Laws. I couldn't stand it if I had to stand by and watch someone get hurt because I couldn't interfere.

"If the Council is in agreement, then it will be done." Zeus says. He looks around, and when he sees no objections, he says, "It is done."

"Lord Zeus, may I speak?" asks Hestia. Zeus's face softens at the sight of his older sister and he motions for her to speak. "I suggest we reward Percy anyways. All three of his wishes have been selfless, even though he clearly deserved to take each and every reward we gave him and more. I say we make him an Olympian."

That literally defeats the purpose of what I just internally and externally monologued about.

Zeus thinks about it and then says, "Very well."

I fully planned on denying them again, I really did. However, the look on Artemis's face makes me think about it. It's the look of fear of losing someone close to you, a face I used to see all the time in the mirror, one I still see.

What do you want me to do? I ask Artemis through our telepathic connection.

Whatever makes you happy, she replies

You make me happy, I say mentally.

I don't want to have to worry about you dying, but I also want the Hunt to be able to see you on a regular basis, you've helped them in ways you don't understand.

Alright, I know what I have to do.

"I've made my decision. I accept your offer, Lord Zeus." I say. "I'm not bowing though."

"No you won't be." says Chaos, stepping out of a black portal. Everyone save for me drops to their knees, including the Fates.

"Lady Chaos, what may be do for you." ask the Fates in unison. That's creepy.

"You can start with standing up and not talking in unison. Second, I'm here to personally grant Percy his domains." replies Chaos.

The Fates look at each other with a bit of apprehension. "If you don't like that, I can always make him a primordial, above even you." threatens Chaos.

"Very well." replies one of the Fates.

"Percy, are you sure you want to do this?" asks Chaos.

"Yes, yes I am." I say.

"Ok." Chaos holds her hands up, pointing at me. She fired a beam of black energy into my body, which pushed me to my knees, but didn't hurt. "Rise Perseus Jackson, God of Time, Demigods, Loyalty, Water, Swordsmanship, Gods and..." she pauses for a moment, "Life"

Instantly, the Fates, Zeus, and Hera explode with protest, while my dad looks at me with pride clear in his eyes. I turn to the only person whose opinion mattered to me. Artemis looked at me with a small smile on her face, her eyes shining with love and happiness, and that made up for everything Zeus was doing right now, like shooting his Master bolt everywhere in the room.

"SILENCE!" shouts Chaos. "My decision is final. Percy has received every domain I just listed and I will explain each of them to all of you."

"Percy. Your domain of Time is pretty obvious. You can control time to an extent. Demigods is a completely unique domain. Demigods will treat you as a king, and you have complete sovereignty when it comes to quests. Any god or goddess has to ask you before sending heroes on a quest, and you will be able to approve or deny that request. The way this affects you the most however, is what it means about you personally. Just as demigods are, you are now completely free of the Ancient Laws. Loyalty means you can detect how loyal anyone is to anyone. Water means you can control water to any and every extent, including ice and water vapor. This includes anything that has water in it, I know that you know what the unspoken boundaries of that power are, just... don't cross them. Swordsmanship, your natural sword abilities are increased and you can bless people with natural abilities. The domain of Gods, this means that you, and you alone, have the power to take away or grant godhood. If you want, you can grant them their domains personally, you can also call the Fates if you want. The biggest part of this domain however, is that you automatically become King of the Gods. Finally, your domain of Life means any living thing is obliged to follow you, and you can summon the living to your position in times of need."

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