"So what are you gonna do about it?" Nick asked. 

"I've hired a PI." Matt said. 

"A private investigator?" Nick said. 

"Yes. Damn it, she's worried sick, I know she's worries sick." Matt said, putting his face in his hands. "I hate it."

"Well, your PI will find her, don't worry." Nick said. 

"I just... I know what I've put her through. All I wanted was to make her happy, to be the person who gets to make her happy and if I can't do it at her side, then, at least I can do it like this." Matt said. 

Nick stared at him for a second. It was obvious he was distraught, obvious he was suffering.

"Give her time." Nick said. "It's a shock to say the least. I can't imagine all the different things going through her head."

"I know, I know." Matt said. 

"Right now, it seems impossible to her but with time, when she sees that you remain constant in your feelings... she'll come around." Nick said and Matt sighed. 

"I'm not so sure." Matt said. "I know her so well, steadfast, constant in a way I never knew how and always so firm and direct. She really believes she's doing the right thing and she doesn't turn her back on her beliefs." 

"Even Bobby is wrong sometimes." Nick said and Matt chuckled but it was humorless.

"Yes, my little Bobby is although she won't admit it. She's wrong about this but what can I do?" Matt said. 

"You really do love her." Nick said and Matt stared at his brother. 

"What about you? Why are you still crashing in my spare bedroom?" Matt asked and Nick frowned. 

"We're not talking about me." Nick said. 

"Well, you know everything about my love life so it's only fair." Matt said. 

"I'd rather not." Nick said but Matt insisted. 

"Come on, I'm your brother." Matt said. "Why did you fight with your husband?"

"He's not my husband." Nick said and Matt shrugged. 

"You two have lived together for like three years now. what's the difference?" Matt asked. 

"A lot of things are different." Nick said and Matt smiled. 

"Is that what you two are fighting about? Getting married?" Matt asked. 

"I hate you." Nick said angrily. "And no."

"So then, what is it?" Matt asked. "You just showed up in the middle of the night and it's been weeks, you're still here, not that I mind, and you ignore his calls and texts."

"What makes you think I'm ignoring him?" Nick asked. 

"Triplets." Matt said with a grin but Nick rolled his eyes. "He told me."

"Wow." Nick said in disbelief, "I can't believe he called you."

"Don't get upset. He just wanted to make sure that you were okay. He didn't ask for any other details and neither did I." Matt said. 

"Thanks." Nick muttered, looking down at the desk and fiddling with the phone in his hands. 

"So?" Matt asked. 

"So..." Nick replied. "So... I think I need a drink." 



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