Chapter 18: Reflections in Paradise

Start from the beginning

"I'm a new student and I need my class schedule. Reggie. Reggie Domic."

She looked at here screen typing and clicking at the screen. Few seconds later the printer turned on and began to print my schedule.

She handed me the schedule and smiled at me. "Well I hope you enjoy your time here. Learn a lot of things and do well okay."

I smiled and nodded at her as I left. Now that that's out the way, I can make my way over to my first period, math. It was room 206 and judging but the increasing numbers, I was on the right track.

I made my way into the classroom. To my dismay, it was half full of students. They, of course, all started at me without shame. The teacher, Mrs. Smith, was already in the classroom preparing the class plan.

When she saw me, she smiled and pointed over at an empty seat in the middle of the class. "Hello Reggie, you can take a seat over there. I've already got you marked on the roster. Welcome to algebra 1."

I nodded and made my way over to my seat. Nearby students obviously asked questions about me and I answered them with short and curt responses. This will prevent me from getting into full blown conversations. It won't do good to make friends, but I really don't care. I just want to get to high school and then graduate.

Soon the room gets filled and class starts. We were in the middle of solving for x, which I already knew how to do, when the do opened and a blonde haired kid walks in.

"Try to be on time Bradley. It's getting ridiculous at this point." She didn't even turn from the board.

The boy Bradley just waved her off and took a seat... right next to me. He looked at me for a bit before looking at the board. I let out a sigh of relief.  I avoided an unnecessary conversation with this kid. Soon enough, class ended and I made my way through out the school going to all my classes.

You'd think that I would probably have that Bradley kid in one or two periods right? Nope! He is in, every single one of my classes. EVERY! SINGLE! ONE!

Obviously, he noticed this too and started talking to me more. I, again, kept my response short and to the point. Where normal people would take the hint and back off, this guy wouldn't. Throughout the day he kept bothering me and introducing to all his friends while also flaunting his wealth. He was a real pain.

At end of the day, I was making my way to the  carport where my parents would be there to pick me up. Bradley was following me talking about random things. Like how 'I'm going to be his best friend' or 'we're destined to stick to each other, our schedules prove it''. I really wasn't listening and I just wanted to roll out.

Bradley must have finally noticed I was ignoring him and did something that shocked me to my very core. He dug into my pants, grabbed my white briefs and pulled them. He essentially pulled me back to him.

A loud snap was heard as my underwear band smacked back into me. I was wide eyed and looked around to see if anyone had seen. Thankfully there wasn't anyone around at the moment.

"Now that I have your attention. Let's have a great school year together, okay?"

I stared at him with stunned silence. I nodded my head after a little time passed and he smiled wide at me.

"Great, see you around." He waved at me as he turned and left in the opposite direction. I continued to make my way over to the carpool area while fixing my underwear. "What on earth was that all about?"

I was no stranger to wedgies thanks to my cousins but even their wedgies weren't close to what Bradley could do. He pulled my underwear only a little bit and it felt like he torn them off!

I got in the car with dad. My mind was really distracted with lingering thoughts of Bradley. Such a weird guy.

Well, it was like Bradley said. He and I had become friends the next day. We spent a lot of time together. Mostly because of our classes but we sometimes went out of our way and met up. Along with Andrew and Kyle, the four of us were the mighty musketeers as some would say.

Bradley was extremely competitive with me. Mainly in academics. He would always ask me what I got on tests, what my report card was, and how I did on midterms/finals. I always beat him. Even in P.E. where you really just need to show up and dress out.

Seventh and eighth grade he got better and better but still couldn't reach me. It became our groups little joke about me being better than Bradley at something. I always felt a little proud I could beat the rich prodigy.
Overall, my time at middle school was pretty awesome. If I'm being totally honest, I wish I could go back during that time. Being friends with Bradley, Andrew, and Kyle was pretty sweet.

Even in the seventh and eighth grade, Bradley and I had the same schedule. It was like he said was true at the time. But of course that all changed when we hit high school. And my friendship with Bradley, Andrew, and Kyle ended there as well.

High school I have to say was the complete opposite of middle school. If was the absolute worst time of my life. So bad that suppress those memories deep in the recesses of my mind. Of course, those bad memories were all thanks to, you guessed it, Bradley. Hell, he's the reason why I got my stupid nickname in the  first place.

I shake my head and get up from in front of the lake and make my way over to my house. I'm not going to reopen wounds that are still healing to this day. Me reliving four years of utter hell would crush me.

I'm sorry Bradley but four terrible years is bigger than three great ones. I don't care what you said before but what you said about us being destined together is never happen to happen.

I don't think I could ever stick to someone who cause me so much pain and humiliation on a daily basis for four years. You made sure that we could never be together.

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