Chapter 23: Bradley's Preperations

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The day was coming to the end. Bradley and I began to shutdown everything and make our way to the elevator. The sun still high in the sky but you could tell sunset wasn't too far behind.

Looking back to Bradley, I could see that his toilet hair had pretty much dried. His underwear was still wedged in him, which had been made worse by Kyle earlier.

I opened the elevator door and held for Bradley to get in. He was currently putting on his suit jacket and grabbing a few things. He walked woodenly over to me. His face was screaming discomfort. Probably begging to pick the wedgie out but he refrained.

Now that I think about it, he's had that wedgie in since this morning. And it was made worse by Kyle. That means he's had the wedgie in for about eight hours! That's probably caused some serious chafing.

He got in and we went down. Second verse, same as the first. Nothing but awkward silence as we made our way down. I broke the silence when we were two floors from the bottom.

"You can pick your wedgie when we get out. Someone must be able to see you do it however." I said without looking at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see he nodded.

We stepped out and heads turned to us. Bradley wasted no time and began to slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, pull his wedgie out. He grimaced as the fabric made its way out of his butt cheeks. Soon he relaxed and showed relief as he began to stuff his underwear back into place.

There were attempts to cover smiles and chuckles as people made their way to their cars. Becky on the other hand was laughing once again.

Bradley let out a loud breath. "Oh god! That felt almost as good as sex." This caused Becky to laugh even harder and louder. Bradley just threw a middle finger at her. She also threw her middle finger at him while still laughing. Yep, definitely family business.

Bradley went to the parking lot. I stayed behind to talk to Boop. I talked about what was going to go down when we all got home. Unfortunately she had to work late and would be too tired see it in person. However, she had no doubt that it would be epic to see.

Saying a quick bye, I made my way over to my car. Bradley was just leaving the parking lot by the time I got in. I was quick to follow him. The normal 15 minute drive was pushed to 25 minutes due to somebody, Bradley, driving like a grandma with a handicapped sticker while on the phone.

He's probably just delaying his punishment. It will come on matter so I really don't see the point in this. When we finally got to the estate grounds, I parked at the main family house instead of my own.

Bradley and I got out of our cars and made our way to the door. I immediately noticed the brown package at the front door. That couldn't be it, right? That would be way to fast for any delivery service.

Without a word, though, Bradley picked it up and opened the door. Looks like it is but I don't know Bradley's personal life. He could have been ordered that. Most likely the briefs will be here by tonight.

At the door was Johnny. It looked like he had been waiting on Bradley to walk through. He had a big smile on his face. It dropped slightly when he saw me.

I just gave a small smile to him and softly said, "Hey." He nodded at me seeming to relax. His attention shifted back to Bradley.

"Bradley! It's been so long since we did anything together! You work all the time and almost never play anything with me. Let's have a Wedgie War tonight!"

What a coincidence. This will be easier to do without him questioning things. That definitely won't be the case looking at Johnny's desperate face, begging Bradley to say yes.

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