Chapter 10: Officially Hired for Wedgies

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I massaged the bridge of my nose. The Who Rick ordeal gave me a migraine. I swear I'm going to die before 21 working here.

I knew Bradley would expect me to come back to his office to actually work today. Reluctantly I got up from the desk chair and made my way to the elevator Axel and Rick has just got in.

Going to Bradley's floor my mind began to wonder what will happen when we all go back to the estate after today. Probably some more drama knowing my life at the moment.

The ding of the top floor caught my attention and the doors opened to reveal a clapping Bradely, smiling like I had put on a good performance.

"Congrats, you did your first task incredibly. Now let's get on with the REAL part of your job instead of the fun stuff," he patted my shoulder.

He lead me to the new desk and computer and sat me in the gold chair. He woke the computer and clicked on three applications: a knight helmet, a phone with a long phone cord, and a long desk with little orange figures that looked like people.

He did this while lean kinda close to me. Pretty much laying on me while he was working on the applications. He also explained everything close to my shoulder. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. Kinda weird honestly.

"Okay your job as my assistant is to keep track of the branches of our company, check in on them, take reports, take collections, and setup meetings for us to get ahold of more branches. Also sometimes I'll have you go and do other things such as manage the bottom floors, get me some files or food, pick up some clothing, setup functions and so on and so forth."

My headache was still bothering me and his detailed explanation wasn't helping either. I let out a breath of slight aggravation.

"So basically, I'm doing assistant duties that you can't do at that moment. Correct?" I asked him.

He nodded his head. "Yep, but this," he waved his hand in front of the monitor, "is the most important part of your job. Your phone will automatically uploading cancel any appointment and notes you make on the Knight network."

Once I told him I understood everything, he put both his hands on my shoulder shaking me a little. "Great, So now you can officially start," he said gleefully.

As I was about to go on the network, I felt hands go into my pants and grab hold of my briefs. He yanked them up high, making me stand and let out a loud yelp. He pulled the briefs down over the golden chair forcing me to sit down in this chair wedgie.

It was uncomfortable and embarrassing. If I squirmed, it dug deeper into me. Lifting up my butt relieved so if the pain but I knew I would get tired and sitting back down on the wedgie renewed the pain.

I felt him put his hands on my shoulders again. "Don't forget why you were originally hired Wedgie Reggie." He ruffled my hair before going back to his desk to start on his own work.

I let out a sigh. Might as well attempt to get comfortable as I would get too tired to semi-stand all day. Maybe I won't feel it after a while.

I opened the Knight network and was blown away at the number of branches we owned. There was literally an endless row of names in the window. The only thing in common they had was they all had Knight right before the name.

I clicked on one and some information on the branch appeared from location, telephone, money owed, date acquired, employee number and so much more.

Well I have get through this list so I dialed the one I had selected already. The phone rang a little and the boss to my third job that fired me answered!

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