Chapter 14: Two Wishes, One Day

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Boop and I headed back to the main house on the estate. We must have been gone for a bit because there was no one left. There was a little bit of food left on the table and the music was still playing. Even the night guards watching the whole thing left.

For such a wild party, the backyard was very clean. There were some cups lying on the ground but other than that it was practically spotless. Very unusual sight to see, but I guess you'd want to keep your boss' house clean huh? Especially if they're the Knights.

Boop yawned next to me. "Well it sure was a blast but it's really late and I'm sure Bradley isn't going to let us off tomorrow even if it was your birthday the day before. I'm gonna head home now. Bye." She waved at me as she made her way to her own home one house over.

She probably was right. We still have two more days to go before it's actually time for a rest. I started for my home but stopped. I really wanted to go back to see my clearing again. It was really heartwarming and beautiful.

I turned back to the forest and followed the same pathway Boop and I took. Before I got to the small clearing I saw something there that wasn't before but I couldn't make it out. As I got closer I saw that it was a person. When I got close enough I could see that it was Bradley. He had changed from his business clothes to basketball shorts and a tee.

He was siting down with his arms folded and just looked at the water. I don't know how but he somehow knew I was there as he turned his head to look at me. "Why are you here Bradley? How did you know this was even here?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I saw Becky working on something in the woods with some contractors. I would sneak around the woods to see what she was building until she was finished. So I know where to find your 'special gift'."

Typical Bradley, always finding a way to ruin something nice that I get. Reading my mind he said, "I know you don't want me here, I just couldn't help coming here. It's really is beautiful." That kinda put me on the spot.

"I didn't say anything Bradley. You just assumed. I'm not going to stop you." I gave him an awkward smile. He turned his attention back to the glowing pool. "Sooo...why are you here?"

He took in a deep breath before letting out a sigh. He shook a his head lightly. I walked up before sitting next to him. He looked me quickly before looking at the pool again.

"It's been like a year working together Reggie and you've been a massive help to the company. I want you to stay with us even though I put you through a lot of things. I feel like at any given moment I might lose you and I really don't want that."

This is a shock. I can't lie and say I haven't been thinking about leaving for a new job. I've been slowly saving up my money and I could possibly drop everything. It's just such a drag to keep getting wedgie everyday, even if it's my title.

"You've been working on the dark sort of and I've been thinking about things to get you stay with me for as long as possible. I want to be honest and truthful but I'm scared of what will happen if you learn the truth." He said.

I'm a little bit confused here. Where is all of this coming from. This is just out of the blue. "Umm, truthfulness is the best way to earn someone's trust and respect. You never know Bradley." I shrugged.

He didn't say anything for quite sometimes it was like he was having a fight inside his head. "Okay fine, I'll tell you something. I might regret it but I think it's best if you hear it." I nod my head, ready to hear what he had to say.

He opened his mouth but then closed it. He did this a few more times struggling to get his words out. Then he began to think again. Before opening and closing his mouth again.

Now this was starting to aggravate me. You can't pull out of something once promise someone. He might as well spit it out rather than do an imitation of a dying fish.

My face must have told him what I was thinking because he suddenly found his voice. "Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay...okay." He paused. "The branches that you acquire and manage are more than just portions of companies..." he paused thinking once again.

I was impatient. "Yeah, then what exactly are branches?" I pushed. He shook his head.

"No, no I should start with the whole reason you hear with the company." Now it was my turn to shake my head.

"I don't care about that right now, that has little to do with the actual job I'm doing. What are these branches I handle." He was uncomfortable but tried again to bring the subject back to the reason of my position. I wasn't having any of it.

"Look Bradley. Don't suddenly change what your going to say. That makes you suspicious as all get out. I want to hear what—" he suddenly cut me off.


Well that outburst really got me to shut up. "Wait...what?"

He was really quiet this time as he looked at the ground. "Its because I like you...a lot. All those years we were in school I liked you. From the very first time I saw you, I wanted you. I was young and didn't know how to express my feelings and got mad and took it out on you. I didn't want to hurt you much so I just gave you wedgies."

My brain was fuzzy. He liked me all this time? Hang on get back on track. "Okay, but what about the branches?" I asked.

"FORGET ABOUT THE BRANCHES! Can't you see I'm expressing something that's been bottled up for years? Just let me have this one night to let go and have this?"

My mind just won't let me drop the topic of the branches. I have no clue what they truly and how they work. This would give me more insight on why the branches act so cold and distant whenever we show up. I'll just have to ask Boop if I can't get what I need.

But coming back to reality i began to think back to Bradley's words. "What exactly do you mean by this? Not acting the the cruel bully that is my boss?" I replied sarcastically.

He answered me by pushing me down, getting on top of me and planting his lips on mine. My eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as to what's happening. I try pushing him of me but he won't budge. In fact it seems to encourage him to deepen the kiss.

He's pushing his tongue into my mouth and I'm fighting it back with my own tongue. I'm losing that battle and I do the something I thought I would never be able to do. I reach into his basketball shorts, grab his underwear, and yank as hard as I can.

This makes him gasp slightly and pull his tongue out a bit. Haha, now I have the advantage. I push my tongue into his mouth and completely dominate the kiss. Every time he tried to resist, a quick yank on the wedgie brought him back in line.

Our lips were perfect in sync and fit extremely well together. I got lost in the kiss, repeatedly yanking on Bradley's underwear giving him the worst wedgie, while still controlling the kiss.

With one very sharp tug on his wedgie he finally broke the kiss the suck on his teeth. That one was probably a stinger. He used his hand to remove my hands from grabbing his underwear. We were both breathing heavily.

Once I had let go, he got off of me and we were both catching our breath. After we hand gone back to steady breathing he looked at me and asked. "Sooo... was I your first?" He laughed lightly.

I shook my head no. I could tell he was disappointed in hearing that so I quickly told him, "but you're the first guy I've ever kissed so take it how you will." He gave a shy smile before getting up. He sucked his teeth in again before walking awkwardly down the first path.

Wow! That was a lot in just a few minutes. Bradley's going to be sore tomorrow and probably won't remember this kiss. How do I know this. I could taste lingering alcohol on his tongue during our kiss. Looks like it loosened his mouth a bit and showed his intentions.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but he was a really good kisser. It was like I was kissing a male version on Becky. Oh god, why didn't I stop? Why did I take over? Why did I have to make that stupid wish?!

I should have been more specific on what i wanted.

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