Chapter 3: Hello Neighbor

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I sat in that chair for a long time. My butthole was slowly getting feeling back and that's when I started to feel the burn again. I stood up, picked out the final wedgie Bradely gave me, and fixed my self up before heading to the elevator door.

As I was going down, I couldn't stop thinking of how things ended up this way. I landed a job where one of my main tormentors in high school was my boss. Then I got to thinking what if some of Bradely's other friends got a job here? Would I be just a subject to the things I experienced in high school now in the work place!? Will the entire office be in on this!?

My train of thought was interrupted when I reached the bottom floor. The hot receptionist was still there typing away on her computer. Looking out, it seems to be getting dark and all the other cars outside were gone except my car.

Why is she staying so late? I began to wonder.
"Ugh! When I'm finished with this I'm at going to kill Bradely for this. Brother or not, you don't just throw this kind of work onto someone last second!"

Woah, that's Bradley's sister? THAT, is Bradley's sister!? She changed so much! Well not really, She overall looks the same just a bit taller.

I walk up to desk and say "Becky?" She turns her head to look at me. "Booping Becky?" She have a small smile. "Still have that incredible mind and memory as always Regerick, although I'm hurt you didn't remember me when you first walked in." She gave a pout and crossed her arms.

I couldn't help the huge smile spreading on my face as I went behind the desk and hugged my best friend. Also my secret crush. "Oh Boop, it's been a long while, where has time gone?"

"Well, I would say time on wasted college. Ended up majoring for something I actually hated. So I dropped out and just decided to work at dad's company. The pay is amazing but I'm hoping to be able to find my own thing soon. So what are you up to Regerick?"

I love how after these past years we still remember each other's nicknames for each other. She got her nickname from me because she would always go up to random people touching they're nose and saying "Boop" Before scurrying away. It was so adorable. However, people call here Booby Becky because she's...gifted in the chest area. I always get angry when guys use that name for her.

"Oh you know, just selling my soul to the devil and living the next moments of my life in a living hell. Just the usual." I smiled.

She gave me an apologetic smile, "Oh I'm so sorry for Bradely. He's an immature douche and I don't think that will ever change."

"So I'm guessing you already know my title then." I scratch the back of my neck feeling my entire body heat up from embarrassment.

"Yes, I do. Trust me, I will murder that f**king a**wipe for making a damn title as wedgie assistant."

That's while I love Boop, always willing to hurt someone in my defense. Like how I always am willing to take the blame for her. I swear we were just made for each other.

"Hey Boop, I'm sure we could talk about this all evening and night, i think it's best if I roll on out of here so you can back to your work and I can make it back to this house address and prepare for tomorrow."

"Smart idea Regerick, I'll see you tomorrow. She gave a soft smile before going back and sitting down to finish her work.

I walked out the building and entered my car. I took off from the lot and headed back to the hotel to gather what little things I had. How on earth am I supposed to fill that house up with anything when all I have can literally fit into one suitcase.

I guess I could use the first few checks on furniture and basic necessities. Then I can really spruce up the place once I'm on my feet. After that, I'll save up to the point where I won't have to work for Bradely anymore and I'll be able to retire early!

I smiled at that last thought. No more working for Bradley or getting any wedgies for the rest of my life.

Once I finished packing, I went to the front desk, canceled my stay and put everything in my car. I opened a maps app on my new phone and typed in the address of my new house. When the satellite image appears, there were four other houses scattered near my house.

I took off and followed my gps instructions until I reached a gated fence. That was strange, but what also was strange was that it only took like 15 minutes to get here.

When I looked at the gate, my eyes almost popped out of my head. On it, was the letter K surrounded by a big circle.

I knew it was too good to be true. Everything that Bradely does always has a twist to it and here it was. My new house, is on the Knight Estate. Which means I will be practically living with the Knights. That also means I probably can't quit anytime soon if I want to keep my house. I'm definitely going to need to do some goal revaluation.

After I had sit for what seems like two minutes, the gate slide opened and I drove to my final destination. I found the house labeled #4 which was between #3, the biggest of the houses, and room #5, the oldest looking one.

My house was big and beautiful. That poses a problem in that it will take even long to fill this house with stuff.

I got out of my car and opened the front door. To my surprise, I saw the entire house was furnished and decorated. I checked the entire house, and everything I needed was all here, and then some. I even have a pool in the backyard. It was incredible and I was just stuck admiring every little thing.

I was broken from my trance when I heard the doorbell ring...repeatedly. I walked over the the front and opened the door to see Bradely in front of me.

"Hello neighbor, it's so good to meet you. Let me welcome you with a big hug.!" Before I could even respond, he wrapped his arms around me, untucked my shirt and grabbed hold of my briefs. He yanked them up and he lifted me in the air as well.

I groaned in pain as he kept giving me this wedgie death hug. "It's nice to see I have a great neighbor." I breathed out sarcastically.

"I know, aren't I the greatest?" He let go of my underwear and put me back on my feet, releasing me from the painful hug. "In fact, let me be an even better neighbor by giving you a personal tour."

Bradely grabbed the back of my underwear and yanked up high until I was on the tips of my toes. "Come on, I have so much to show you." He began what I consider humiliation tour.

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