Chapter 7: Playtime With Johnny

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Johnathan continued to drag me across the castle-like mansion making so many turns that it made my head spin. Getting lost in a place like this would be a total nightmare.

Eventually we reached two large doors made of mahogany. It was a darker shade of red that almost made it looked like it was painted on. Johnathan pushed the two doors open and what greeted me was probably, and I'm putting it nicely, the most cringiest room I had ever seen in my life.

The entire room was sky blue but the first thing, the VERY first thing that greeted was a giant Minecraft logo with an original character right below it, of whom I assume was supposed to be Johnathan. If you looked up at his very high ceiling, you would see a Fortnite poster that took up the entire space. You would need a freaking lift to even get that up there, jeez.

All along his wall were various video games ranging from Mario and Sonic all the way to Call of Duty and Gears of War. This boy had a literal entertainment center in his room, with a tv that was probably the size of a small movie theater screen. I wish I could say I was exaggerating. In each of the cabinets there were gaming systems from the holy trifecta of video games. The PS4, Xbox One, and Switch were all hooked up to large television.

On the other side of his room we're not one, but two computers in individual desks. The left desk was pretty business like with a simple office chair. However the right desk does a 180 with its decked out gaming set up complete with a gaming chair, keyboard and headset. They were glowing with a neon blue light.

His bed was on its own level of insane. He had a King bunk bed. Those words should not even be in the same sentence and yet. You would think this would be highly unsafe but here it is. It's reinforced by thick steal all around. In cringe boy fashion the bottom bed had Fortnite covers while top bed had PlayerUnknown's Battleground covers.

With all this...junk, you'd think he wouldn't have enough space for his clothes right? Well you'd be correct. That's why he has a closet that's as big as my old hotel room. In it was filled with his suits, shirts, pants, underwear and even had enough room for his toys/board games.

This room would be a boys dream to live in. Hell, if it weren't for all the cringe 2018 stuff, i would want to live in this room too! While I was examining the room, Johnathan grabbed my hand and pulled me into his closet. "Come on, come on. We need to prepare for playtime! I want to be completely ready when Bradley gets here!"

The fact that he was taking me to his closet and not his giant TV screen with the multiple game systems told me something was up. Entering the closet he rushed over to his shirts, pants, and underwear drawer. I admired all the little and expensive toys he had. Action figures, robots, and electronic games. What interested me the most was this genie lamp. It looked extremely high tech while still having that Aladdin type lamp look.

I grabbed the lamp and examined it. You can't open the top even though it looks like you can, and there is a gridded filter at the nose of the lamp, telling me that this is probably for water vapor or smoke to come out, meaning you could open the bottom of the lamp.

"Hey Johnathan what's this?" I turned to look at him but was so engrossed in the lamp that I didn't hear him change. He had stripped everything, even his briefs and now was wearing TMNT cartoon briefs with blue waistband. He looked over to me and said "Don't call me Johnathan. It's too formal for me. I want you to call me Johnny. Much better and it sounds like Johnny Test!" I rolled my eyes at how kiddish he sounds.

"That there is my destiny lamp that I got from Japan. It costed me $5,000." I'm pretty sure my jaw hit the floor. I don't know what was more shocking. That this small device costed five grand, or that Johnny willing forked over that much money himself. "You look goofy with that face one." He giggled. "That device can predict people's future with over 100,000 different responses. It also updates to add even more responses every so often. I think it's a great investment if I do say so myself." He crosses his arms and smiles in pride. Pretty dumb investment if you ask me but I can't deny that it will pay for itself in a way.

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