Chapter 19: International Bullies

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In the middle of the night, I barely came to consciousness. I felt something, rather someone, in my bed. They were pretty much spooning me with their arm around me. They were so warm and their body meshed with mine perfectly. I could feel their warm breath against my neck every so often. It was very comfortable.

So comfortable in fact that I went back to sleep. When I woke up, I looked to see that the mystery person was gone. I looked at the other side of the bed and there was no evidence that anyone was in here.

The pillows on that side of the bed were still fluffy and I wrinkled. There were no dips in the bed at all (other than mine). Nothing in my room was out of place either. It was exactly how I left it before I went to sleep. I must have imagined someone being in my bed.

I'll check the security cameras around the house just in case but that will have to wait till later. Bradley is coming back from his trip today, and I can't afford to waste any time getting to the office. Just thinking of him get my mind rolling.

I started my daily routine getting ready for work today. Instead of wearing my usual stretchy white briefs, I decided to go with a stiffer blend of 95% cotton and 5% polyester. They won't be as flexible and stretchy but they will still be nice and comfortable.

Got in my car and drove off to work. While on my way there a thought came into my mind. Bradley is coming back today. That means he wouldn't have been here when I was being spooned earlier. Yeah, it wouldn't make sense for it to be him.

Maybe it was boop. A smile broke on my face from that thought. She such a sneaky girl. Sneaking into my room in the middle of the night.

Shaking my head, the thought passed me as I arrived at the office. I head on up to Bradley's floor. And of course something is going on that I have no clue about.

When the elevator door opened, I saw that Bradley, Andrew, Kyle and an unknown Japanese woman standing at the desk. They all turned to look at me.

The Japanese woman was extraordinarily beautiful. Her black hair flowed down and stopped at her shoulders. She had a little bang above her left eye. He brown eyes shined in the morning sunlight. Her lips were nice, full, and the definition of kissable. The suit she was wearing completed the whole ensemble of Japanese business woman.

"Reggie, you're here. Now we can get started," Bradley began. He got up and walked over to the business woman. "This is Noriko Kobayashi. She is a translator that I hired when I was over in Japan."

So that's where he was? Of all the places he could have gone for business, I would Japan would be at the bottom of the list rather than the top.

She walked over to me, probably to formally introduce herself. Without thinking I bowed my head to her. "It's nice to meet you Kobayashi-san."

There was a pause in the room, before I heard Andrew and Kyle trying to stifle laughs. Even the Kobayashi was giggling a little. My cheeks immediately began to warm up. Of course my checks immediately began to heat up.

"I am very impressed that you used the correct honorific when addressing me Mr. Domic. I am truly grateful for the respect that you have shown to me, however we are not in Japan at the moment. So I don't think it is necessary to use those traditions." She extended her hand to me.

I lifted my self back up and cleared my throat. I accepted her hand say, "Yes, of course. It's nice to meet you Kobayashi." My heart was racing as I held her hand. It was smaller than my hand but it was so soft and silky. I was afraid my hand might start sweating in her's.

After our little interaction, she walked back over to Bradley. "Okay," he started. "We are about to have an important meeting with an important Japanese business man, Takeshi Nakata. He owns a very popular shoe company in Japan. So popular in fact that he was able to leak his way into America."

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