Chapter 11 - I choose you

Start from the beginning

And the stone heart girl was silently horrified at what was going on with her heart. From the slightest movement of Omer, his scent, the sound of his velvet voice, the gently, as if by accident touches, her heart either fell down with like a stone, then frantically beat in the temples, then with crazy force hit the ribs. Defne could only pray that these treacherous somersaults would not be heard by the culprit for her state.

It seemed to her - the air around sparks with tension and one wrong word or gesture is enough to make it glow with a blue flame. Therefore, when the boy-waiter brought their order, she saw in him her savior and smiled broadly. The young man has blushed from such a radiant smile and his mouth involuntarily sprawled in a reply, stupidly admiring, which was wiped out as soon as he noticed the cold look of the companion of the beautiful girl. The man looked at him point-blank and a warning was read in his eyes. The boy quickly arranged the dishes on the table, wished them a pleasant appetite and evaporated. Omer smiled wryly and happily bit off a large piece from his Balik ekmek.

Silence reigned at the table for some time. All three silently ate their dinner. Defne nervously, Omer leisurely, and Seda was enjoying every bite. It was she who broke the silence. Having wiped her lips with a napkin, she asked Omer:

"You are Defne's husband." How did you let her go to work for your competitors? With her talent.

Omer lost his appetite. He put on the plate an unfinished Balik ekmek and, looking at his wife, answered:

- I did not allow it. I only today learned about it. Defne is sometimes very stubborn and secretive.

"Who would say," Defne was indignant. - Omer Iplikci, who hides his feelings and thoughts behind seven locks.

"That was before," he objected. - I changed.

Defne grunted skeptically and sarcastically said:

- What are you saying? If your words are true, then Iz will be delighted with such changes.

- Who is Iz? - Seda asked livelily.

"Omer's first and only love," Defne answered. "You saw her today." The Creative Director of Passionis.

Seda's eyes went wide. She looked incredulously at first at the frowning Omer, then at her friend, and specified:

"Your husband's ex-girlfriend works in his company?"

"It's me, the former," Defne said with bitter irony. - And Iz is a very real one.

Omer gasped at her words. The former? Defne - the former? How can she say that? His hand clenched into a fist, and the eyes on the instantly darkened face flashed with anger.

"Seda, don't listen to her," he said to the girl. - The aforesaid is just Defne's fantasies that are separated from reality. Iz - is my childhood friend and nothing more.

Defne only grinned wryly. Did Omer call her a dreamer? However, nothing new. He never took her thoughts and words seriously.

Seda didn't smile anymore. Only now, looking into Defne's face, she realized that there was an abyss between the spouses. She felt sorry for both of them, but, having long since lost her naivety, she understood that life does not at all look like a beautiful fairy tale with a happy ending. It is sometimes cruel and inexorable. It breaks a person and makes him pass seven circles of hell. The phone rang in her purse. Seda took it out and looked at the screen. Her face turned pale. She instantly accepted the call and brought the phone to her ear. As she listened, she turned pale all the more and threw short phrases into the phone:

- When did it happen? ... did they call an ambulance? ... I'm going ... Mom, do not dare to cry and scare Nisa with tears. Tell her everything will be fine.

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