Chapter 44: Oath

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You were continuesly running through the mansion trying your best to out run your girls, you ran pass a few rooms that includes Lilith's and Sam's room, both of them were relaxing in there rooms until both of them heard you screaming outside...


Girls: MASTER!!!

Lilith and Sam started to check what's going on outside there rooms, once they peeked outside both of them saw you running for your life as your T-Dolls chased after you, both Lilith and Sam looked at each other worried about you.

Lilith: Should something about this?

Sam: Umm....


You screamed out in the distance of the mansion hoping someone heard you, both Sam and Lilith looked at each other as they both sweat drop and sigh.

Sam: *sigh* lets go help him out, although this is his problem to deal with...

Lilith: I know but Y/N is our friend, we have to at least help him a little...

Sam: Heh, you like him too?

Sam asked Lilith as she started blushing a but while looking away from Sam, she was trying her best not to get flustered after hearing Sam ask her that.

Lilith: W-What? Well...maybe a little bit...

Lilith responded as she poke her fingers together while blushing a bit and looking down at them, Sam just sigh as he just shake his head.

Sam: Alright, lets go help the Harem King out...

Lilith: R-Right!


Meanwhile in Kryugers Office, Female Kryuger was sorting out a few paperwork before "she" calls it a day, Helian, Kalina, and Alisa is also helping Female Kryuger out with her remaining work for the day.

Helian: There should be only a few more documents to sort Mister Kryuger, after that me and the other two will organize them...

Female Kryuger: Alright, thank you Helian

Helian: Of course sir

Kalina and Alisa were organizing and putting up a few paperworks and documents for Female Kryuger around her office, Kalina then stretched her arms up ease some pain off her back.

Kalina: Man, these paperworks are making head hurt...

Alisa: Well, at least I'm here to help you out with it Kalina

Kalina: Hehe, before you showed up it was only me doing all of this organizing stuff, but now that your here things has got a bit faster with these paperwork everywhere

Alisa: Hehe, I'm glad I could help


Kalina/Alisa: Huh??!

Both Kalina and Alisa were inturrpted by a familer voice that was screaming, both of them quickly made there way outside Kryuger's Office to see what's happening.

Female Kryuger: W-What the Hell was that?!

Helian: U-Umm I believe that was Mister Y/N screaming while running through the halls...

Female Kryuger: What? Why was he screaming?

Female Kryuger asked, Kalina and Alisa then head back inside Kryuger's Office to tell Female Kryuger and Helian was happening outside the office.

Kalina: So uhh, quick short summary update, Y/N is being chased by his T-Dolls....

Female Kryuger: Umm, why are they chasing him?

Gun Game (Male Reader x Girls' Frontline)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora