Rafaela entered the third and last trimester of her pregnancy during that period and James continued in the studio recording Metallica's new album. Better or worse, they forced their life to go on normally, but always watching their backs. They would pay attention to every weird movement.

That day Rafaela was coming back home after going with her mother to the mall. They went shopping for baby stuff. Her trunk was filled with bags, most of them clothes. Little girl's clothes that enchanted her and she couldn't resist to buy those tiny dresses for a baby of a month old. Too cute to resist. Her cell rang and she grabbed it seeing James in the display. Her lips opened a smile even before she answered.

"Hi babe!" She said taking the call and he smiled on the other end, because it was audible all the contentment in her voice.

"Hi, happy woman." He said and Rafaela could feel him smiling as well.

"I bought so many things for our girl. You have to see the tiny dresses I bought for her. They're to die for James." She sounded so enthusiastic that he laughed.

As the pregnancy was about to reach its ending, he was feeling more and more anxious to meet his daughter.

"I'll see it when I get home. Are you home already?" He asked as they had arranged to go out for dinner and a movie.

"I am almost there. I am already on our lane." She told him.

"I am leaving the studio now, so I won't take long. Get ready, ok? I made reservations for 7 pm." Rafaela heard some cars and she knew he was already on the street.

"Don't worry, I'll get ready fast."

"I love you." He said before he hung up.

"I love you too babe, see you later." With that she hung up and threw the cell on the vacant seat by her side and it landed near her purse.

Finally she stopped in front of her gate, she pushed the button of the remote control to open it and she released herself of the seat belt and she waited.

Suddenly, something hitting the car made her jump and she looked at her window terrified. She knew those blue eyes staring at her, but she looked so different. It took her a while to realize it was Kelly. It took her to laugh to recognize her. Rafaela tried to lock the doors, but it was too late, Kelly managed to open the door first. She grabbed Rafaela by the hair and made her get out of the car.

"Stop that!" Rafaela yelled.

"Where's your husband now?" Kelly yelled back at her. She looked lunatic. "You had to marry him, didn't you?"

"We've been together for almost eight years. Eight years Kelly..." Rafaela argued. She knew she couldn't pull the strings too far. She had her baby girl inside her belly to protect. She mustn't fight back though she wanted to. Still, Ava needed to be protected. She needed to protect Ava above all.

"He's not here to protect you now!" Kelly said between her teeth, and then hit her head against the roof of the car.

Rafaela yelled in pain, feeling some drops of blood coming down from her forehead. The pain made her dizzy and she thought she was going to faint but then her senses began to come back. Her daughter and to protect her was her only concern that moment so she didn't fight back, she only thought of ways to protect her belly.

"Please Kelly." Rafaela begged knowing it was in vain.

She feared what she was going to do to her but at the same time she knew James was on his way.

"Oh!" She laughed looking at her. "You're crying!" She pretended she put a sad face and then hit with her eyebrow on the car again.

That time she couldn't even yell, she really thought she was going to pass out immediately. Kelly held her hair with one hand and the other twisted her arms on Rafaela's back, she basically couldn't move.

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