"I'm glad for you that they didn't." Matt said, turning and looking at her. She looked so pale and fragile.


The sound of a woman's voice made them both turn.

"Mrs. Healy?" She said, moving towards the older woman who was now smiling sweetly as she reached out for her.  He noticed how tense she was, not like she was afraid but just in general. It had been that way since she stepped into the town.

"How are you holding up?" she asked, pulling away and rubbing Bobby's arms.

"I'm okay. How are you?" Bobby asked with a smile.

"You know me, hanging in there." She said, suddenly turning and noticing Matt. The woman stared at him wide eyed and bowled over- it was obvious that she had never quite seen a man like him before. 

"Mrs. Healy, this is Matt Carlton. Matt, this is Eddie's mother." Bobby said, realizing she had been rude. She stood awkwardly, watching as they shook hands, thinking for the first time how out of place someone as elegant as Matt must look here. The contrast between this town and everyone in it and Matt Carlton and his sophisticated New York world was startling and saddening. Bobby couldn't help it, she reached out and clung to Matt's arm, feeling like he might slip away.  Then, he took her hand, holding it firmly.

"How long are you in town?" She asked, "Are you staying at the inn?"

"No, we're staying in San Antonio and we fly back tomorrow." Bobby said.

"I see. How's Eddie doing up there?" She asked.

"Good, he's adjusting well." Bobby replied.

"That's wonderful to hear. I'm so proud of the both of you." She said sweetly. "I'm glad you got out of here and get to experience the world."

"Thank you." Bobby replied, not really knowing what else to say.

"Roberta, I'm sorry to do this but I'm worried." She said suddenly, making Bobby raise her brow.

"What about?" Bobby asked, squeezing Matt's hand. She knew it, she knew she wasn't going to be able to get in and out unscathed.

"It's Ruth." She replied, making Bobby glance at her.

"What about her?" Bobby asked. Matt watched her. Who was Ruth? She'd told him about her parents and about Robbie but he hadn't heard about Ruth.

"She hasn't been to school in a while and I haven't seen her." She said. Bobby was perfectly still and then she nodded.

"I'll make a call to the county, maybe they can do a welfare check." Bobby said simply.

"Well, I hope so. Although it did no good when that damned truancy officer went by." She said.

"I'm sorry but it's getting late and we have to go." Bobby said, "It was good to see you."

"Who's Ruth?" He finally asked as they got into the car. Bobby pulled her seatbelt on.

"My sister." She said.

"You never mentioned you had a sister before." He said and she shrugged.

"When have I ever said much about my family?" She asked.

"How old is she?" He asked after a few more minutes.

"15." She replied simply. Matt stared at her for several seconds before pulling out of the parking lot.

"San Antonio is that way." She said with a frown, noticing he was heading in the wrong direction.

"We're not heading to San Antonio, we're going to check on your sister." He said simply, making her turn to him wide eyed.

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