"Yeah" I said looking out of the window and I suddenly felt guilty because of how I had been treating them.

I had been ignoring their calls and most  importantly I was failing at my job as a parent to care for my son.

My mother sighed.

She had forced me to come with them and said that it would help me get out of my little sorrow zone for a moment but it did nothing.

After sitting in pure silence with only Cyril making noise probably due to how oblivious he was of the whole situation I finally rose to leave.

"Look just three days and on wednesday I'll come for him.
I just need to work on myself a little bit and I'll call you tonight" I said pushing the chair behind just as the food they ordered came.

My mother gave me hooded eyes and my father's showed sympathy.

My brother shook his head and at that moment I could careless.

When Cyril saw me leaving he screamed my name and rose his tiny hands for me to carry him.

My heart swelled and I immediately walked to him took him in my hands and kissed his forehead.

"Mommy will see you tomorrow okay?" I said and he responded with a very loud no making people look in our way some with curiosity and the rest with anuisance.

Giving him back to my father I ignored his cries then took my purse to head out.

I really wasn't about to go home with a kid who would be seeing me break down every passing second so in order to save my dignity and pride I left him at my parent's place.

When I opened the door to my house I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw Lucas sitting there looking comfortable as if this was his house.

He had changed from the black tux he was wearing at the funeral to simply Jeans with a white shirt and a jacket.
His hair messy.

I almost hummed.

"You lied" he said before I could kick his ass out.

We really were like a cat and a mouse and the next moment we would be the most lovey dovey people ever.

"Well how did you get inside here" I said locking the door and dropped the keys next to the bowl of fruits.
Placing my purse to the kitchen counter I bent over to unzip my boots.

"Tyler is not bisexual and neither were you guys dating"  he said and I froze for a minute before bursting out laughing.

I laughed for a good minute before standing up and taking the pair of shoes in my room.

He followed me.

I switched on the heater due to the overbearing cold in the house and proceeded to walk in my room.

He still followed.

"I lied and so what?
I also enjoyed your reaction everytime you would see us kiss" I said arranging the shoes in the closet.

Tyler was completely and utterly gay.

Coming out I shrugged off the trench coat leaving me in my pants with the black shirt and socks.

He growled in return.

"And what are you still doing here?" I asked as I sat on the bed rubbing my feet for a few seconds then removed my socks.

He watched me.

"How could you.
Seriously Anaïs after I told you that I like you" he said standing infront of me.

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