Part:27 Club

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Hello Everyone! Welcome to a very special edition of I hate and love you! I am your host Gavin! (Yes that's my real name. I didn't pick it.)

Today we will be playing the drinking game!

Please keep in mind I didn't say what we are drinking. Try something like water. Or go crazy and go to a Applebee's. (If you are at the legal age)

Here are the rules!

1. If drinking is mentioned, take a drink!

2. Everytime love is mentioned, take a drink!

3. Everytime Ilda points out a rule, take a drink!

4.If Bakugo manages to get through a whole chapter without cursing,then don't worry it's not happening.

5. If All might dies in the actual show, them drink a whole keg and drown in sorrow.

I will be keeping count.


"Everyone listen!" Called Out Mina holding up several tickets.

" What is it you damn girl! "Said Bakugo as everyone else gathered around her.

I told you it wasn't going to happen.

"I have a cousin who is a very special MVP at a club and hew was able to get me tickets, enough for all of us! " Said Mina causing everyone to talk at once.

" Will there be food? " Asked Ochako.

"Will there be drinking? " (1) Asked Bakugo.

" Will there be girls? " Asked Kaminari receiving a smack to the head.

"You already have a girlfriend idiot!" Said Jirou mad.

"O-oh. Right" Said Kaminari rubbing his head.

"Yes to food! Yes to drinks! (2) Yes to Girls! Yes to everything!" Said Mina with a happy smile.

"But we are students! It it forbidden that we take part in these activities! "(3) Said Ilda.

" Don't be a stick in the mud! " Said Mina

" Yeah Ilda! Besides you should probably come anyway. Just to make sure we don't get into trouble" Said Kaminari.

" Hmm. I suppose that's true" Said Ilda.

" And there are plenty of chances for love! " (4) Said Mina.

" Most of us already have someone Mina! " Said Momo.

" Whatever. Anyway it's at 7 tonight. Anyone who wants to go come see me before school lets out" Said Mina leaving everyone to talk.

"Deku we have to go!" Said Ochako very excited.

"I-i don't know Ochako. I don't like the idea of drinking" (5) said Izuku.

"Oh c'mon. We don't have to drink.(6)
We can just dance and eat!" Said Ochako.

"Okay. Just for you" Said Izuku earning a hug.

"Kirishima your coming right?" Asked Mina.

"Hell yeah! There is no way I would miss it! Plus drinking is very manly!(7)" Said Kirishima.

" I knew I could count on you! " Said Mina kissing her boyfriend.

" Why did you slap me!?" Asked Kaminari.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHY!" Yelled Jirou at her boyfriend.

*Later on.

The whole class arrived at the club. The place was huge, there was a lot of drinks(free pass)around,and tons of people dancing with lots of lasers and music blasting.

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