Part 45: Saved

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Imagine thinking and writing a story for about two hours and everyone reads it in under three minutes.

*The morning after the event at the Todoroki house.

"Midoriya?" Said Aizawa.

" Here" Said Izuku.

"Ochako?" Said Aizawa.

" Here" Said Ochako.

" lida? " Said Aizawa.

" Here Sir!" Said lida with his arm raised up.

"Todoroki?" Said Aizawa.

No answer.

"Todoroki?" Said Aizawa again looking at the class.

" He is not here today" Said Sero.

" Alright" Said Aizawa writing on the attendance sheet.

'Todoroki isn't here? I hope he is alright' Thought Izuku with a worried expression on his face.

He looked over at Momo who looked even more worried.

*After class.

"Excuse me Midoriya?" Said Momo tapping on Izuku's shoulder.

" Hang on a second Ochako" Said Izuku talking to Ochako turning around to face Momo.

" What's up?" Asked Izuku.

"Do you know what happened to Todoroki?" Asked Momo.

"No. I tried helping him out and he said he would talk to his dad's friends daughter about it though" Said Izuku.

" Oh jeez. I'm worried about him" Said Momo.

"Maybe he will come back tomorrow" Said Izuku.

" I really hope so" Said Momo.

*The next day.

Todoroki was once again not at school.

' Todoroki. I'm getting seriously worried. If you aren't here tomorrow I'm going to start freaking out' Thought Momo.

"Hey Momo?" Said Izuku walking up to her desk.

" Yes Midoriya? " Said Momo.

" I see you are getting really worried. If me and Ochako go by his house will that make you feel better" Said Izuku with Ochako behind him waving.

" Yes. That would. I would come but I got work today unfortunately. Just please please let me know as soon as possible" Said Momo on the edge of tears.

" Of course Momo" Said Ochako reassuring Momo.

Izuku and Ochako walked out of the school and were on the way to Todoroki's house.

"Hey Deku. You told me that Todoroki's dad is a big jerk. You don't think that he may have something to do with it do you? " Asked Ochako holding Izuku's hand.

" I've been thinking that. And at best his dad is just keeping him away... But I don't have a good feeling about this" Said Izuku.

Soon Izuku and Ochako made it to the house.

*Knock knock*

After about thirty seconds a women with white hair came to the door. She looked awful.

"Can I help you?" Asked the woman.

"We are friends of Todoroki and we are wondering why he hasn't been at school for the last two days" Said Izuku.

" Oh.... Come inside" Said the woman opening the door for Izuku and Ochako to enter.

She led them into a room and sat down on a couch with Izuku and Ochako on another.

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