Part 22:I'm coming home.

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Does anyone watch the dub? I don't you know why? Because screw Funimation. Those bastards. If I watch a dub,then it's going to be by Viz Media.

"Class dismissed" Said Aizawa as he rolled into his bag.

"Hey Ochako!" Said Mina as she came up to Ochako.

"Hey Mina, what's up?" Asked Ochako.

"Me and the rest of the girls are heading to the arcade after school. Do you want to go with us? " Asked Mina.

" Oh. Well me and Deku already had plans" Said Ochako.

" Awww c'mon. You spend almost everyday together! You need some girl time! " Said Mina whining.

" I-i know but I can't just cancel without a good reason. Besides you wanted us to get together" Said Ochako.

" I know, and I still ship you two. By the way what do you think of the name Izuocha?" Asked Mina.

" W-what is that? " Asked Ochako.

" That's your ship name! I made it myself along with my friend Toru. I should introduce you to her sometime. " Said Mina.

" That kinda creepy Mina. But anyway I already have plans and that's that" Said Ochako crossing her arms.

" Your no fun anymore! " Said Mina at which Izuku came up to them.

"Hey Ochako. Hey Mina" Said Izuku.

"Midori! Cancel your plans with Ochako please!" Said Mina.

"Deku don't listen to her. She is just jea-

"Okay." Said Izuku.

"Eh?" Was all Ochako could say.

"Thanks Midori! Your the best! See you right after school Ochako" Said Mina as she left the class to her next class.

" Deku! You didn't have to listen to her!" Said Ochako.

" A-actually, I was going to cancel anyway" Said Izuku.

" Huh? Why? " Asked Ochako clearly upset.

" My Mom said that she needs me to come home right away. She said something about a suprised but didn't tell me anything else" Said Izuku

" Well let me come with you! " Said Ochako.

" Ochako. You know we don't always have to be together. NOT THAT I THINK YOU ARE ANNOYING OR ANYTHING! " Said Izuku panicking from what he said.

" It's okay Deku. I understand. We still have our friends and our lives. Plus I will still get to see you later on tonight" Said Ochako giving Izuku a warm smile.

"O-o-kay. Good. I was worried you would take that the wrong way" Said Izuku giving a sigh of relief.

" No. I understand perfectly. Now let's hurry up to our next class" Said Ochako as she grabbed Izuku's jand and let him out of the class.

*One boring day of school later.

"Okay I will see you later alright?" Said Ochako to Deku.

"Yes I promise. Now go have fun" Said Izuku as he hugged Ochako.

" I will. I love you so much Deku" Said Ochako.

" I love you too"Said Izuku as they shared a goodbye kiss.

" Bye Deku " Said Ochako as she went over to Mina, Momo, Jirou, and Asui with Izuku waving goodbye.

Izuku went on home when he texted his mom.

Izuku: Hey Mom. I'm coming home now.

Inko: Okay. I hope you don't mind but I have a guest over.

Izuku: I don't mind at all. I will see you there.

Inko: okay baby. I love you!

Izuku:I love you too Mom.

Izuku put his phone away while walking to his house with some earphones in.


Ochako, Asui, Momo, Mina, and Jirou had arrived at the arcade.

They play for a while before sitting down eating a pizza.

"So Ochako" Said Mina with a devious smile.

"How far have you gone with Midori?" Asked Mina causing Ochako to choke.

" Whoa whoa. Let's not do that here please" Said Jirou.

" That's really personal" Said Asui.

" Oh c'mon! It's not like we can't talk about this stuff" Said Mina as she spun around in her chair.

"How far have you gone with Kirishima?" Asked Momo.

"Third base" Said Mina.

" I'm done" Said Jirou as she put in her headphones ignoring the rest of the conversation.

"C'mon Ochako! Tell me something!" Said Mina looking at Ochako's dark red face.

"N-no! It's n-n-n-not l-l-like we have d-done anything anyway!" Said Ochako waving her hands in front of her.

" Oh that's got to be a lie!" Said Mina.

"I agree with Mina. I doubt you two haven't done anything. But this is still personal" Said Asui.

" Come on! We are all friends here. We can tell each other anything!" Said Mina desperate for details.

" W-w-we have m-made out s-s- several times b-b-but that's i-it! " Said Ochako about to pass out.

" Have you at least seen him naked?" Asked Mina.

"Okay I'm leaving" Said Momo as she got up and left to a game.

"O-o-only w-w-without a s-s-s-shirt o-on" Said Ochako as she started to fan herself.

" Boooooo! That sucks! " Said Mina.

"Mina stop. She just passed out" Said Asui as she pointed to Ochako on the floor.

" Well shit" Said Mina.

*Back to Izuku.

Izuku knocked on the door to his old house. His mom came to the door.

"Izuku honey you made it!" Said Inko as she hugged her son.

" Hey Mom" Said Izuku as he hugged her back.

" Come on in. There is a surprise for you waiting for you in the dining room" Said Inko.

" What is it? " Asked Izuku as he followed him mom into the dinning room.

"Not what. Who Izuku" Said Inko.
Izuku then noticed that his mother had several tears coming down her face.

"Mom what's wrong?" Asked Izuku.

"Just look" Said Inko as she opened the door to the dining room and steeped in with Izuku.

There he saw a man in about his fourties with similar hair to Izuku's.

"Hey Izuku" Said the man with a smile.

"Dad?" Said Izuku with a hand over his mouth with tears coming down his face just like his mom.

"I'm home son" Said Hisashi with a smile.

Can someone tell me how to tag someone on this thing please?

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