30k special

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This is probably going to be the last time I do a special for this story.

This my own one shot idea chapter.

Also I'm to tired to proofread this

Izuku held his head down on the table, silently crying. He tried to keep his tears hidden from Ilda the best as he could.

"Midoriya...." Said lida looking down at his friend.

He didn't respond.

"Midoriya. If you would just tell me I'm sure there is something I can do to help you! " Said lida.

" I don't think you can" Said Todoroki eating his noodles.

" Hm? And why is that? " Asked lida.

"Because it's not something you can control" Said Todoroki.

lida looked puzzled.

" I still don't get it" Said lida.

"Over there" Said Todoroki.

He pointed over to the table with Bakugo and Ochako.

"Hm? It's just Uraraka and Bakugo sitting next to each other" Said lida.

Todoroki just shook his head.

" How is that I understand it yet you don't? Midoriya is clearly upset at that" Said Todoroki.

" Why would he be upset about them enjoying each other's Company?" Asked lida.

" Because Midoriya has a crush on Uraraka" Said Todoroki.

It took a few seconds before it got through to lida.

"Oh!...oh... I see. Midoriya I understand it now! We can make you feel better!" Said lida.

" I don't want to talk about it" Said Midoriya.

" Midoriya. You know she is your best friend (kinda offended) So you should know that nothing is going to change between you two. If anything you should be happy for her! At least she is happy right? " Said lida.

Midoriya slowly lifted his head up from the table.

" Yeah. I guess so... But it still hurts me" Said Midoriya.

Midoriya was used to Bakugo getting all the attention, praise, and getting almost everything handed to him.

So he wasn't surprised he got the girl, but it still didn't make it hurt any less.

"Maybe you should tell her how you feel" Said Todoroki putting down his chop sticks.

" Why? She is already with Kacchan" Said Izuku.

"Yes. But at least then you can move on by letting her know. And if she is your friend, then she will let you down gently and the you both can continue with your lives" Said Todoroki.

" Yeah. That's actually pretty good advice! Thanks Todoroki! " Said Izuku.

" Anytime Midoriya" Said Todoroki with a smile.

Izuku got up and walked over to Uraraka and asked for her to meet him behind the school once the day was over.

"He didn't say thank you to me...." Said lida.

*A few hours later

Ochako held her back across her stomach as she waited patiently for Izuku.

'I wonder what Deku wanted to talk about? Maybe he has some kinda new training idea, or maybe a new costume upgrade, or maybe-

Her thoughts were cut off as she saw a patch of green messy hair in the distance.

"Hey Deku! Over here!" Called out Ochako waving at him.

Izuku saw her and walked up to her.

"H-hey Uraraka"  Said Izuku coming face to face with his crush.

"I'm glad to talk to you. We haven't been alone together for a while now." Said the chubby faced girl.

" Yeah it's really nice to spend time together" Said Izuku.

" By the way you looked really sad today at lunch. Is something wrong?" Asked Ochako with a concerned look on her face.

"Actually. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. You see... The thing is that... I... I.. like y-you" Said Izuku blushing.

"......................................................... Huh? "

" I'm sorry. I know you are with Kacchan now-


"But I just wanted to let you know that just so I could probably feel better. I hope you have a great time with with him and as long as you are happy I'm happy" Said Izuku sighing with relief.

" Deku! I-me-him-n-no! We aren't dating! " Said Ochako blushing herself.

" But I saw you and him-

"Deku. Just cause I am sitting beside someone doesn't mean that I am dating them. Why would you think that? " Asked Ochako.

'Damn you Todoroki' Thought Izuku.

"But then why were you sitting beside him then?" Asked Izuku.

" He said that I'm one of the few people that he actually respects, and that he wanted to have a chat for a while. More or less a friendly one at that" Said Ochako.

" Oh..... Well now this is just awkward" Said Izuku.

" Yeah..... So you have a c-c-crush on me? " Asked Ochako.

" Um... Y-yes" Said Izuku.

" That's good" Said Ochako kissing Izuku on the cheek.

"Um does this mean that?" Asked Izuku.

"Yep. C'mon let's get back to the dorms" Said Ochako grabbing Izuku's hand and they went to the dorms.

After She got Izuku down from the air of course.

Thanks everyone for 30k! I will now make a list of everyone who helped make this possible.


Alright next chapter

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