Birthday special

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First off I want to say thanks to everyone who has sent me some positive messages and comments. It's really helpful.

Now this chapter is basically set in this story,but at a different time

And since it's my birthday I wanted to make a special chapter for it.

And as a birthday present I demand lots of you to follow me so I can have 200 followers

Izuku rubbed his hands together as he tried to warm then up.Piles of snow were all around him as he walked down the sidewalk.

It was only a few days after Christmas so stores had only just opened back up and there wasn't much to sell as most stores hadn't re stocked yet.

' I'm an idiot. I should have got her something along with her Christmas present when I had the chance. Stupid' Izuku thought to himself.

Izuku looked up at the ice hanging on the edge of the roofs of several stores as he was in deep thought of what he should get his girlfriend.

He had thought of a couple things but every time he did the stores either didn't have it or it was out of his budget.

His and Ochako's comic work had been taking a break due to the holiday season, plus with shopping for all their friends and family really took a toll on their money.

It didn't help that Izuku bought Ochako a very expressive car despite neither of them having a driver's license yet.

'Jeez it's really hard to get someone a gift for their birthday despite it being after Christmas' Izuku thought to himself.

He soon found himself inside a bakery shop feeling a need for a drink.

"Welcome how may I help you?" Asked an employee from behind a counter.

"Can I just get a hot chocolate?" Asked Izuku.

" That will be 420 yen" Said the employee. (About 3.92$ in America money)

I definitely did not use Google for that........

Izuku paid for the hot chocolate and after a few minutes the employee brought it out to him and he took a seat drinking his beverage.

After a few minutes he took out his special All might pocket watch he got from Ochako for Christmas to check the time.

' I better get going. Ochako will be coming home from her parents soon and I still haven't gotten her anything' Izuku thought to himself.

He stood up and walked out the door throwing his cup away as he did.

'Hmm mochi? Nah that's something she always gets anyway. Maybe a movie? Nah to basic. I need something special for my special one ' Izuku thought to himself.

He looked over several different stores but nothing stood out to him.

' Jeez. How is this so hard? I know everything about her! I should be able to get something she would love! Maybe some clothes or- That's it! Jewelry! ' Izuku thought to himself.

He quickly ran towards the closest jewelry store, falling on the ice only once, and made it inside where only a couple of people were also inside.

"Welcome! Please let me know if you see something you like!" Said an employee.

" Thanks" Said Izuku as he began to look over everything.

'Hmmm what exactly should I get? A ring? Nah we ain't getting married anytime soon. A bracelet? But I don't know her wrist measurements... Oh earrings! That would be perfect! ' Izuku thought to himself.

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