47: Graduation

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This is my second to last chapter everyone. Except for maybe a bonus in the future.

By the way I'm going to do a fairy tail story after this. Don't expect it to be long.

"Alright class is dismissed. You all know where to go to tomorrow. Now get out of my classroom" Said Aizawa rolling into his bag.

" Aw c'mon! Can't we at least have a proper goodbye!? " Said Kaminari.

" No" Said Aizawa zipping his bag up then falling to the floor asleep.

"I guess not" Said Asui.

"Aw forget him! Let's all go to the arcade to celebrate our last day! " Said Mina much to the annoyance of lida

" Mina we all have to go home and make sure we have everything ready for tomorrow! As students it's our hig-

"For fucks sake ease up just a little bit damnit!" Said Bakugo slamming his fist on the table.

" Yeah lida!" Said Ochako.

"Just have some fun lida!" Said Izuku

" It would be pretty manly to do" Said Kirishima.

".... Fine! But this is the only time I'm allowing this!" Said lida.

" But this is the last day we are even students." Said Todoroki causing lida to facepalm himself.


Everyone in the class went to the arcade to spend the last day together. After playing some games everyone had brought several chairs and tables together.

"Damnit we have been waiting for nearly 20 minutes! " Said Bakugo.

" Bakugo sweetie we did order 6 pizzas and a lot of drinks" Said Toga wrapped around Bakugo's arm.

"She is right. Maybe 6 was to much for just us" Said Jirou.

" Psh. I can eat 6 by myself" Said Kaminari.

" Doubt" Said Jirou

" Um... C-can I say something? " Asked Asui.

"Of course go ahead" Said lida as everyone turned their attention to Asui.

" I just... I'm really happy and I'm really glad that I can call all my friends a-and I hope that we can all continue to stay in touch wherever we go" Said Asui blushing a bit.

" That's really sweet Asui" Said Ochako smiling at her.

" Pretty manly Asui" Said Kirishima.

"I-im not a man" Said Asui.

"Doesn't matter" Said Kirishima.

"I hop we can also stay in touch. Especially when me and Todoroki move far away" Said Momo.

" I'm also happy as well and I am really grateful for everyone. Especially Ochako" Said Izuku.

" Sweet" Said Ochako with a slight blush.

" I still remember you two pulling that Don't call me Deku/Ochako shit! " Said Bakugo.

" You guys heard that happening?" asked both Ochako and Izuku at the same time.

" Yes" Said everyone, except toga, at the same time.

" You two were always flirting" Said Kaminari.

"We weren't flirting! We hated each other back then! " Said Izuku.

" Suurrrree. Whatever you guys say" Said lida.

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