Part 34: Parents

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What is your favorite chapter so far?

Mine is the fair chapter.

Izuku woke up to see Eri sleeping very quietly in his lap. He gave a sweet smile before carefully getting up and lowering her back on the couch as to not wake her.

He went upstairs to find his girlfriend awake.

"Deku how come you weren't in bed?" Asked Ochako.

"Sorry but Eri had a nightmare so I slept downstairs with her" Said Izuku rubbing the back of his head.

"Well anyway shouldn't you go call child services?" Asked Ochako.

" Yeah good idea" Said Izuku. He went back downstairs and grabbed his phone, and after looking on the internet for the number he called child services.

"Hello child services how can we help you?" Said a voice from the other side.

" Um hi. My name is Izuku midoriya and I have a little girl with me" Said Izuku.

He then went on for the next couple of minutes explaining everything that has happened.

During which he saw Ochako come down from the stairs and waved at her as she went into the kitchen.

" Well then we will have to come get her. But unfortunately that takes a lot of paperwork and time. So would it be alright if you could hold onto her? Someone should come for her in a week or two. " Said the voice over the phone.

" I-i guess so. Doesn't seem like we have much of a choice " Said Izuku.

" Alright thanks for calling" Said the voice.

" Anytime" Said Izuku hanging up.

'Ochako isn't going to like this at all' Thought Izuku.

He went into the kitchen to see Ochako cooking pancakes.

"Hey Deku I made breakfast for all of us" Said Ochako holding a few plates.

" Thanks Ochako. Let me go get Eri really quickly" Said Izuku. He turned back around and went over to Eri who was still sleeping.

" Hey Eri it's time to wake up" Said Izuku gently shaking her.

After a few seconds she started to wake up.

"W-what's going on?" Asked Eri.

"Ochako made us breakfast if you want some" Said Izuku.

Eri nodded in response and got up and held onto Izuku's hand. He led her into the kitchen where there were several plates on the table.

"Thanks Ochako" Said Izuku.

"Anytime" Said Ochako.

Izuku helped Eri onto her chair and even helped her eat. After a while Izuku put on SpongeBob SquarePants for Eri to watch while he went to chat with Ochako.

"Deku we can't raise a kid! We still have school and our new job!" Said Ochako clearly upset.

" Yeah it's a good thing you weren't pregnant. But we don't really have a choice. We only have to look after her for a few weeks" Said Izuku.

" Well what are we going to do about school? " Asked Ochako.

" Well I figure that while we are at school my parents could watch over her. And she can just watch TV or something while we work" Said Izuku.

Ochako let out a deep sigh.

"You should have at least told me first before agreeing" Said Ochako.

" I know. I'm sorry. I will make it up to you later. But we should probably go ask my parents about this first" Said Izuku.

" Good idea... You know technically Eri is our daughter right now" Said Ochako.

"Yeah I guess so... A-anyway we should get going" Said Izuku.

He, Eri, and Ochako got dressed and left the house.

After a short walk they arrived at Izuku's parents house.

* Knock knock.

The door opened to reveal a short plump woman.

"Izuku! Ochako! Welcome! I wasn't expecting you two. Come on-

Inko noticed Eri.

"Oh hello there. What's your name?" Asked Inko.

Eri stood behind Izuku's leg not saying a word.

"It's alright Eri. This is my mom. Say hi" Said Izuku holding onto Eri.

" H-h-hi" Said Eri shyly.

" Who are your parents?" Asked Inko.

Eri pointed at Izuku and Ochako and Inko immediately fainted.

"E-eri! Why did you say that?" Asked Izuku dragged Inko into the living room.

" Did I do something wrong? " Asked Eri with tears starting to come.

"No no! You did nothing wrong sweetie! Don't worry about it alright? " Said Ochako drying off Eri's tears.

" Inko dear what happened? " Said Hisashi coming through the kitchen door. He stopped when he noticed Ochako and Izuku with a little girl.

"H-hey Dad" Said Izuku.

"Um hey. Who is the girl and why is Inko passed out?" Asked Hisashi.

" Well you see" Said Izuku.

*One explanation later.

"Ah I see. Well I'm sure your mom and I can handle this young girl." said Hisashi.

" Thanks Dad. Anyway that was all we had " Said Izuku.

" We really appreciate it Mr Midoriya" Said Ochako giving off a bow.

" Anytime. Nice meeting you Eri" Said Hisashi.

"Bye grandpa!" Said Eri.

Izuku and Ochako quickly ran out before Hisashi could say anything.

I will not be participating in Izuocha week. Reason why is because I'm already to busy with my stories to do so.

Also it's always Izuocha week to me.

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