Part 16:Killing- I mean shopping spree

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You can smile again! Taiyou abite. You can fly away! Sing it everyone!

"Knock knock!" Said Toga she knocked on the door to Bakugo's house.

There was no response.

"Knock Knock!" Said Toga louder as she knocked louder than before.

Still nothing. She puffed out her cheeks and pulled out her knife from her purse.

'Maybe I can lockpick the door or pry off the hinges' Thought Toga. But before she could do anything she could hear a voice but couldn't make out the words.

She put her ear to the door to listen in to the voices.

"Open the dam door you little shit!" Yelled Bakugo's Mom at her son.

" SHUT UP YOU OLD NAG! " Yelled Bakugo to his mom and opened it up nearly forcing it off it's hinges.

" Hey Kacchan♥️!" Said Toga.

"Oh Christ what do you want now? And don't call me that Toga" Said Bakugo already annoyed from his conversation with his mom.

"We are going shopping today, remember?" Said Toga with a somewhat innocent smile.

" Oh shit that's right. HEY OLD WOMAN IM LEAVING! " Called out Bakugo to his mom.

" Good riddance" His mom called back to him.

He then slammed the door shut and stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked with toga close behind him... Really close. To much for his liking.

"I have told you to stay at least five feet away from me at all times!" Said Bakugo still ticked off.

" Awww c'mon. Couples are supposed to be this close" Replied Toga.

" WHO THE HELL SAID WE ARE A COUPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!?" Said Bakugo as he and Toga came to a store.

" Well isn't this a date?" Asked Toga.

"I don't care what it is as long as it's not a freaking date" Said Bakugo.

" Your so grumpy" Said Toga.

" And you are so crazy and annoying" Said Bakugo as Toga started to looking through the clothes.

" Do you think this would look good on me?" Asked Toga as she picked out a t-shirt that looked tight and a skirt that was a bit to low.

"I don't know" Said Bakugo.

"Let's try it" Said Toga as she grabbed his hand and lead him to a changing room.

She went behind a curtain while Bakugo sat on a bench outside. Toga soon came out in the clothes looking like a schoolgirl.

Warning. It's going to get a little mature but nothing major. Continue at your own risk. I will let you know when it's over.

"What do you think?" Asked Toga. She could have sworn she saw Bakugo had a blush for just a moment.

"I-it looks good" Said Bakugo looking away.

"Oh a compliment. I'm going to get you to say that a lot from now on" Said Toga as she walked up to him.

" What are you doing? " Asked Bakugo as Toga got much closer.

" Do you think I look sexy? " Asked Toga.

"The fuck?! Hell no!" Said Bakugo.

"I want you to say I look sexy!" Said Toga with a frown.

"N-no way. We are in public. Cut it out now" Said Bakugo getting freaked out.

" That's not what I wanted to hear" Said Toga. She leaned down to him and she stuck out her tounge and licked his right ear.

"What the hell!? I said stop it!" Said Bakugo.

"There is no one else back here ya know. I could do so much to you" Said Toga with an evil grin.

" Screw you" Said Bakugo as he wiped off the saliva on his ear.

"Tsk tsk" Said Toga. She then got really close to him and then she sat on his lap.

"Anything you would like to say? I can keep going ya know" Said Toga.

" Fine. You look s-sexy damnit! " Said Bakugo.

" See was that so hard? " Asked Toga as she jumped off him and walked into the changing room to get changed.

It's back to normal now.

Bakugo put a hand on his heart and felt it beating very fast.

'Damnit. This wasn't worth it. Deku you better be fucking happy' Thought Bakugo.

Toga came out and she grabbed his hand and went to the front of the store to the check out section.

"Aw man the line is to long. You know I have my knife. I could just stab a few people, make the line a bit shorter" Said Toga as she reached for her knife but Bakugo grabbed her arm before she could.

"Under no circumstances." Said Bakugo as he looked at her with deadly eyes.

"Oh Bakugo. I love a man who can dominant" Said Toga.

' I would rather be home with the old woman than be here with this bullshit' Thought Bakugo.

They soon purchased her clothes and were heading home.

" I had a lot of fun on this date Kacchan" Said Toga as she carried her bag with clothes inside.


"Geez what a lousy boyfriend' Said Toga.

"I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND EITHER DAMNIT! I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU! " Yelled a ticked off Bakugo as they got to Toga's house.

" Oh really? Then why did you come with me?" Asked Toga.

"It's for that nerd Deku" Said Bakugo.

Toga out a finger on her chin.

" But I don't like Izuku anymore. You already know that. Of course if he left that round face girl then I would gladly welcome him into my arms. And maybe my knife" Said Toga.

" Besides. Did he ask you to take me out for shopping? " Asked Toga.

" No but I-"

" And you did nothing to stop me back at the dressings room earlier. Almost like you wanted me to continue" Said Toga with a smile.

" What the hell are you saying? " Asked Bakugo.

" Your in love with me Kacchan. " Toga whispered his name into his ear and walked into her house smiling leaving Baku with his thoughts.

He was mostly thinking in appropriate laungauage that should never be used in any situations. Even online........

Sorry if you wanted more Izuocha. There is not enough of that anywhere. I wanted to write a little bit of Toga x Bakugo. So here. Take it or I will have toga get her knife out.

I hate and love you. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin