Part 13: Get down tonight

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It's the final countdown! Enjoy this final chapter.

"I don't want to talk to you. I want my Izuku" Said Toga as she pushed past Bakugo and was about to head after Izuku.

"Don't you even care about how the damn nerd feels?" Said Bakugo Ticked off.

" What do you mean? " Asked Toga as she paused at the door.

" I mean that he doesn't fucking love you! He doesn't want to be with you! He doesn't want you! " Said Bakugo.

" H-he could learn to love me" Said Toga.

" And you think that keeping him away from someone who makes him happy is going to work? Or threatening him and round face? If you really like him, then let him go! He is own person! " Said Bakugo.

Toga thought about all of what he said and she realized that he was right. No matter what she couldn't force him to love him and that she was only making things worse.

She started to quietly sob to herself.

"Oh come on. Don't start crying damnit!" Said Bakugo as he walked up to her.

She ignored him and continued cry as she placed her head into her arms.

Bakugo grabbed her arms and she looked at his face.

"You will get over it. Why the hell are you even in love with him in the first place? You two wouldn't last a week. You have nothing in common. Find someone more like you" Said Bakugo.

" R-really? Like who? " Asked Toga.

" I- I don't know. Someone with a temper maybe" Said Bakugo as he let go of her.

" Hmmm. You seem to get angry pretty easy. " Said Toga as she got really close to him.

'Damn you Deku! ' Thought Bakugo while Toga smiled happily.


Izuku ran as fast as he could but unfortunately he didn't even know where she could have gone. He checked the school, her home(which had no lights on), and all across the city. Eventually he made it to the park and started to walk around calling her name.

'Damnit. I can't find her. She probably hates me now. Maybe I can try to talk to her at school to-

His thoughts were cut off when he saw her. She was sitting on the grass next to a pond.

Izuku carefully walked up to her.

"O-ochako?" Said Izuku.

"Hey Izuku" Said Ochako as she tossed a rock in the pond. Izuku's heart stung when she said that.

" W-what are you doing?" Asked Izuku.

"Just sitting and thinking" Said Ochako. She had clearly been crying and she still was. Her makeup was completely ruined.

Izuku took a seat next to her.

"Can I ask you something?" Asked Ochako.

"Of course" Said Izuku as he gulped.

" Why did you want me to go with you to this dance?" Asked Ochako keeping her gaze on the pond as she looked at their reflection in the water with the moonlight.

"W-well because w-we have been getting along better so I thought you w-were the best choice" Said Izuku.

Ochako didn't respond immediately but then.

" I already know that you are going to say that you weren't going to Kiss Toga and that she was the one doing. And I would believe it. But this isn't the first time Izuku" Said Ochako.

I hate and love you. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ