"Yes, she is." I scratch my head.

"I told you she was visiting her earlier today." Jake mutters under his breath, not quiet enough for us not to hear. She doesn't respond, she just keeps her stare locked on us.

Elijah leans in towards me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "This is going to be a long dinner," he whispers.

"Tell me about it."

"The life and soul of the group is here." Matt exclaims proudly, yet breathlessly, as he struts over to the table—taking his seat next to Jake. I watch as he does a double take in Angels direction, before looking directly at me and mouthing obviously 'What the fuck is she doing here?' for everybody at the table to see. Including Angel.

"Angel decided she wanted to come tonight because she missed me," Jake chuckles, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"He's been working too much recently, so it's only fair I get to go out with his friends—or he's just not going." she chuckles nonchalantly, laughing it off. I look to Elijah who is also side eyeing me with a 'what did she just say?' look on his face. The girl screams toxicity and I don't like it. The scary thing is that she seemed so nice before, and now she makes me question her intentions.

"Okaaaay," Matt's eyes widen with awkwardness, "Can we order our food now?"

I had to hold myself back from questioning her on what she meant, but I know it would only embarrass Jake—and that's not fair. My verbal filter and what I can manage to keep inside my head has diminished over the past two years; I speak my opinions whether I want to or not.

"How the hell were you so late?" Jess rolls her eyes at Matt, making him scoff.

"I had to change and fix myself up, I don't just look this good naturally," he throws his hands up, pausing with a raised brow "Oh, wait—I do."

"I drove two hours and still got here before your slow ass," she flips him off.

"Whatever, order your salmon and shut up." he rolls his eyes.

"Who said I was even going to order salmon?" she scoffs.

"You have the palette of a four year old, if it's not chicken nuggets, ice cream or fish you won't eat it." Matt folds his arms across his chest. "Every time we come here you stare at the menu and still order salmon each time, without fail."

"Can I take your order?" a small, rather confused red haired waitress approaches the table.

"Can I have the... uhm," she sighs, pouting like a child, "Can I have the smoked salmon please?"

"Ha!" Matt cackles, shaking his head in victory.

"Shut the fuck up, Matt." she huffs, rolling her eyes.

I laugh at the two as they brood over each other's sarcastic inability to back down from an argument. Once the food arrives the conversation flows between the six of us. Well, the five of us—Angel rather... observed. Being able to stuff forkfuls of delicious food into our mouths to fill any awkward silence that fills the room definitely helped.

As we finish our meal we all look as though we could burst, well, besides Matt—the first word to escape his still half full mouth was 'dessert'.

"I could live off of this place," Jake licks his lips, placing down his fork.

"Me too, once a month is not enough," I chuckle, "Thankfully my cooking is on par with this restaurant." I whisper, wiggling my brows with pride.

"Yeah, if they burnt everything they made." he laughs, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin.

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