"Matt knows how I am, he won't be expecting me to dress up fancy." Bobby said and Eddie nodded.

"Maybe not but... it's different now. You're not just his friend or assistant, you're his girlfriend. You've seen his other girl friends." Eddie said.

"I'm doomed." Bobby said. "Oh my god, Eddie you have to help me. What am I supposed to wear?"

"See? Why don't you turn the computer off, put on your coat, we'll pick up some food, head back to your place and pick something suitable out." He said as she stared at him in horror.

"Yeah, Okay. Yes." Bobby said. "Yes. You're right."


"You took long enough." Bobby said as Matt opened his door. She shook her head, walking past him and handing him a big brown grocery bag. 

"Nice to see you too." He said, taking the bag with a chuckle and closing the door behind her.  She walked towards the kitchen, setting down her bag.  He watched her for a second, thinking something was different as she took off her gloves and coat, then she turned to face him and he was stunned.

Bobby noticed how Matt was staring and immediately regretted letting Eddie pick out her outfit. He'd handed her a skirt, a lot shorter than what she usually wore, and an oversized cashmere sweater that he'd told her to tuck in.

Matt looked at the pretty legs he hadn't had a chance to admire this much before, or the tiny waist, but what really got him was the way she wore her hair loose around her shoulders. Bobby brought her hand up to adjust her glasses, the only part of her she had insisted on and kept, the glasses she wore like a shield. Then she moved into the kitchen.

"Well, dinner isn't going to make itself." She said, trying to relax. Matt nodded and brought the bag to the counter, watching her as she began to unbag the groceries.

"Okay, what?" She asked, finally turning to look at him. "what are you staring at?"

Matt smiled.

"You." He said, reaching out and picking her up and bringing a hand to her hair. She opened her mouth in surprise.

"Wait... what are you?" She asked but Matt kissed her, immediately stealing her breath.

"Sorry, I just... " Matt said, setting her down. "You look great."

Bobby was red, again. He couldn't resist her, she was so adorable.

"Ummm... wanna help?" She asked nervously, unsure how to act. He smiled, taking a few vegetables and proceeding to wash them.

"Wait, you don't have to wash those, we're gonna peel them." Bobby said, watching as he rinsed the carrots.

"Well, it doesn't hurt." He said as he continued to wash them.

"Yeah, but I wash after peeling anyway so it's moot." She said and he shrugged.

"You wash after peeling?" He asked.

"Yeah, well, I rinse." She said.

"It sounds silly." He said and she snorted.

"Washing something you're going to peel sounds silly." She said and he looked at her. She was annoyed.  He could see they'd still be constantly fighting and somehow that brought him a lot of joy.

The rest of the evening was pretty easy. She argued with everything he did and he deliberately provoked her.

"That's not right." She said, pushing him out of the way more than once.

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