He Protects Her 2

Start from the beginning

I search through the shadows of the trees and bushes, trying to locate the source of the sound. Until finally, the source emerges and shows itself in our sight.

It was a male rattlesnake furry. He was about 7 ft. tall, with the help of his tail holding him up. His scales were copper and bronze colors, and I can see dark brown diamond patterns on his tale so he must be a diamondback rattlesnake furry. And he is very muscular, his muscles are big. He's wearing a western-style vest with some Native American jewelry on it, and on his leather cowboy hat too. His eyes are a glowing yellow, narrowing with slits in them, staring down at us with the lust to kill in them. And his mouth was pulled back with an evil grin and I can see his long and pointy fangs poking out with venom covering them. 

"Well, well," He coos at us, with his deep scary western accent, "lookie what I found."

The two girls behind me whimper in fear, while I stand strong, not letting my fear surface. 

"Three young, beautiful, and delicious girls," He purrs as his glowing eyes examine us, "well ain't this my lucky night."

"What are you doing here?" I question him with a hard and firm voice, "This is school property, no outsiders allowed."

"Oh is it now? Now I coulda sworn that there was a sign at the front gate that says all humans and furries welcome," He quotes the words from the plaque sign that we have at the front gate of our school. 

"Yes, but not furries like you," I sneer at him. 

"Oh really now? And how exactly are ya gonna make me leave darlin'?" He questions me, slithering closer, "You gonna give me a smack on my hand and tell me I've been a naughty snake?"

My heart pounds harder and harder against my chest and my body feels like it's gone cold with fear. I'm trying hard to think of something, but my mind was completely blank. 

The rattlesnake chuckles in evil amusement, "Yeah I didn't think so, now why don't ya'll be a couple of good girls and stand still, I wanna enjoy this as much as I can." He hisses and slithers closer with his rattle on the end shaking and making loud rattle noises. 

The girls behind me whimper even louder and cower in fear, holding each other for comfort. I am not going to let this snake hurt these girls. And if I have to sacrifice myself to keep them safe, I will. 

But before the snake could do anything, someone jumps in front of me and punches the rattlesnake square in the jaw. The rattlesnake grunts and falls to the ground with a bit of blood coming out of his mouth. I look up and see it's Lance who came to my aid.

I look back at the rattlesnake and see him getting back up on his tail and nursing his poor jaw from where he got punched. He turns to Lance and glares at him with deep hatred. 

"Why you weak, boneless, antlered, piece of rug!!" He throws insults at Lance and was about to strike at him but was stopped by Tyler, a grey rabbit furry. 

Tyler quickly jabs the rattlesnake in the stomach, which makes him double over in pain, and the rattlesnake turns to Tyler, who sticks his fingers by his ears and blows raspberries at him. Tyler was a bit of a goofy furry, but whenever you need him, he's got your back. 

The rattlesnake growls and glares at Tyler and swiftly slithers over to him and tries to strike at him. But Tyler was much to fast for the snake. As the rattlesnake keeps trying to strike him, Tyler ends up leading him to Barnabus, who stands tall, takes a big deep breath, and lets out a mighty roar. The rattlesnake backs away from Barnabus, looks around, and sees that he is surrounded by half of the forest furries. 

"Like the young lady here was telling you earlier," Lance steps forward and confronts the rattlesnake, "these are school grounds and there are no outsiders allowed. So I suggest that you leave this place or else," Lance growls that last part then stops his hoof onto the ground, showing the rattlesnake some dominance. 

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