He Protects Her 3

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Jennifer and Jordan

After watching the sunset, Jordan offered to take me home. Even though I didn't really want to, I knew that mom must be worried about me. Jordan walks me over to his car, which was a real neat jeep, opens the passenger door, and lets me in first like a gentleman, then rushes over to the driver's side and drives off back to my house. 

I felt nervous about the reactions I'm gonna get from mom. She hates it when I stay out too late and miss curfew, she's always worried that something bad would happen to me. And I'm sure that right now she must be having a panic attack. 

I look and see that we're now parked in front of my house. Jordan turns off his car then gets out first, rushes over to the passenger side, opens the door for me, and helps me out of his car, again like a gentleman. 

I make my way to the front door with Jordan not too far behind me, which I didn't mind cause I didn't want to enter this house alone. We stand at the front door and I take a deep breath before I open the door and walk inside. 

"Jen?" Mom pops out of the corner. She sees me then rushes over and gives me a big hug, "Oh sweetie I'm so glad you're back! I was so worried!" 

I hug mom back and tell her I'm sorry for making her worry. And then came George and Ally. They, however, were not too happy to see me. 

"And just where have you been young lady?" George questions me with a stern voice. 

"I was at the beach," I told him, "And I wasn't alone, Jordan was there with me," I gesture to Jordan, who gives a small wave to everyone. 

"That doesn't matter young lady, you put this family through a lot of trouble today," He lectures me, for some reason deciding to act like a parent. 

"Yeah, thanks to you, all the plans I had today were canceled because we had to wait for you," Ally complains. 

"Ally!" Mom scolds Ally with her stern mother voice. "Now George, we agreed that we weren't going to be too hard on Jen." 

"Maggie! Jennifer did multiple things wrong today! She called my daughter a b****, then runs off to who knows where, and never called to tell us if she was even alright!!" George lists to mom. 

I didn't like the way he was talking to mom. Dad never talked to mom like that, yes there were days when they had little arguments, but he never raised his voice at mom. 

"I understand that George but-" Mom tried to reason with him but George just wouldn't have it. 

"I have tried being fair with this girl Maggie, but this is where I draw the line! This is where I put my foot down! I'm not gonna let this ungrateful child of yours walk all over us like we are doormats!" George says. 

My eyes widen at what he just said. I am not an ungrateful child and I do not walk over them like they're doormats! The only reason I don't show George any respect is because he is a rude, inconsiderate, selfish douche bag!

I was about to say something to him when Jordan steps in before me. "Alright now you stop right there!"

The two stop arguing and we all turn our attention to Jordan. 

"Jen here is not an ungrateful child as you claim her to be. She is hard-working, independent, smart, helpful, and the most beautiful girl I've ever met!" Jordan lists. "And also, Jen told me what happened this afternoon and I have to say that you sir are the bad seed here in the pot. You knew that Jen and her mom had plans today and you deliberately changed her mom's mind so you could drive a wedge between Jen and her mom," He tells George, then he turns to Ally, "and as for you Ally, you had it coming with the whole b*** thing the moment you opened your big mouth! I've always known you were devious, but I never thought that you would actually stoop that low," He tells Ally, whose eyes widen in shock and disbelief. 

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