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John's P.O.V

"Be careful!" I whispered to Lucy as she tried to aim for the window.

"It'll be alright," She whispered back.

She fired and hit the window perfectly. It shattered. The man came running up and ran into the bathroom. Swearing and cursing.

"Run, run, run!" Lucy whisper screamed.

We ran out of her room. Unfortunately the man heard us running.

"Hey, who's there?!" He yelled.

"Run!" I yelled as we both ran down the stairs.

Lucy's P.O.V

I could never run down the stairs without stacking it.

"Aaah!" I yelled as I went tumbling down the stairs.

John got to the bottom without even tripping once. I got to the bottom and finished tumbling, I wasn't hurt at all but it took me a little while to try and get up.

"Lucy! Hang on, love, I'm coming!" John said as he turned around and picked me up in his arms.

"Thanks John, I'm alright now," I thanked as he placed me back down.

We heard the man call us from upstairs. We went towards the front door but it was locked. I fumbled the door knob, shaking violently but the door wouldn't open! Although it was a dark night with lack of light, we managed to find our way out.

We went out the window in a room next to the door. First John went out, landing on the garden bed. I came out immediately after, right on top of John.

"Ouch!" He yelled from shock.

We quickly got up and got out of the garden. As I went over the brick garden bed. I felt something touch me, a thick, cold substance.

"What's that?!" I yelled when it touched me.

I tried to take a closer look at it, which was hard because it was very dark. Eventually I figured out what it was.

"It's blood!" I shouted.


We both got out of the garden and started running away from the house.


"Where could Paul be?" John said, puffed out.

We'd been running for a solid ten minutes, we needed a rest.

"I don't know, he could be anywhere." I said breathlessly, I slid down the side of the wall and hugged my knees.

"Is he even here?" John asked catching his breath and sliding down the wall next to me.

"Well I hope so, if not we came here for nothing..." I said, "Oh my God! We left the gem!"

"No, no, no, no, it can't be possible. I must've gotten the gem." John jumped to his feet and stuffed his shaking hands deep into his pockets, "Check your pockets!" He ordered.

I rummaged through my pockets but I didn't find anything.

"Noooo, we can't have left the gem!" John whined, hitting his forehead against the brick wall and slapping it with his palm. He stared down at the concrete floor slightly illuminated by the streetlight.

"It's alright, we could go back and get it," I suggested.

"Didn't you say that you knew someone there, Ellie was her name?"

"Yes, but she moved out ages ago. She's a lot older than me."

"So it's only her father living there?"

"Her mother passed away."

"I can still try and go back," I said with no confidence.

"Are you serious?! That man is crazy!"

Paul's P.O.V

I had almost no money! What could I do?! I had no place to stay the night. I found a park and decided to spend the night there. My leather jacket didn't do much, I was freezing!

It was both good and bad that nobody recognised me. Good because if they did recognise me then it would be confusing because I would've been very old now and I would've been asked many questions. Bad because maybe someone would give me a place to stay because I would've been famous.

I crawled through a bush and sat behind it. I hugged my knees and tried to block out the cold air slowly drifting around. I felt a lump in my throat, I swallowed it and chocked on my tears. Where am I? Why did this have to happen to me?

Lucy's P.O.V

"We have to try and find Paul!" I said.

"How are we going to do that?" John asked.

"I know the area, I'll guide us."

"But aren't I famous, I will get hassled and stuff like that. Plus, now I would be very old and it would be weird if my old self bumps into his young self, which is me!" He said.

Then, I remembered what happened to John's older self.

"No, no, that won't happen," I said, quietly.

"It could be possible, y'know," He persisted. 

"No, it's not possible!" I shouted, the tears stung my eyes.

"What do you mean, n-not possible?" He asked quietly.

"It's just not possible," I said even quieter than him.

"Does my older self not live in this area?" He asked.

"Well... You could say that," I said quietly.

He obviously figured it out. "A-am I dead?!" He asked.

I didn't answer.

"How did I die?!" He asked.

I still didn't answer. I pressed my lips together and looked down.

"Tell me, please!" He said as he shook me.

"Look, let's forget the whole topic and look for Paul," I said.

"Well... Alright. Where should we start?" He said.

"Before we do anything, we need to find you a disguise."

"What kind of disguise?" He asked.

I reached into my pocket to see what money I had to buy a disguise.

"I'll buy you a disguise," I said as I took a fifty dollar bill and a twenty dollar bill out of my wallet.

"Oh my God! Your rich!" John said.

"Money has changed a lot since the 50's," I said, "I need you to stay here while I buy you a disguise."

"Right here?" He asked.

"Yes! It's very important you do. Remember, stay out of sight and stay out of the light."

I looked around. I looked at the street, the sidewalk and the park near us to see if there was anybody there. I saw somebody in the park but it was probably some harmless homeless person.

"Alright, don't take too long, coz I'm really scared y'know," He agreed.

"I'll be back soon, ten minutes, I promise!" I said as I went to the store to buy a disguise.

I left John in the corner, scared as hell.

I quickly walked over to the store and bought a hat and a coat his size.

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds • The Beatles [Book 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora