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"If you drive a car, I'll tax the street, If you try to sit, I'll tax your seat, If you get too cold, I'll tax the heat, If you take a walk, I'll tax your feet!" I sang out loud while I brushed my hair in the mirror. I had all of The Beatles songs on my MP3 player.

"Shut up, Lucy!" My father yelled at me from the other room. 

I probably shouldn't of sung that loud. I should know that my family hated The Beatles. But why?! What's wrong with them?! I guess they just don't know how to appreciate real music. 

Their music tastes are really different to mine. My mum loved 90s music and my dad just hated music in general. 

I'm not usually one to get made at anyone but when you interfere with my favourite band, you know I'm gonna be mad! I squeezed my teeth together and looked down at my feet. I was so different to my family and I still don't understand why. 

I ran my brush through my blonde hair a few more times before tying it up in a messy bun. I kept to myself as I walked to my room. 

"You! Lucy! Turn that rubbish down!" My father yelled at me. "Why do you even like that music for?"

Look, man! I can listen to whatever the heck I wanna listen to! I could feel my teeth squeeze together and my hands form into fists. 


Let's just say I wasn't like every other 10th grader at my school. I was the only one who had actual great taste in music. Everyone knows The Beatles but nobody really knew The Beatles. So what if I disliked modern music? 

My real best friends at school were the teachers, at least the ones with actual good taste in music. They appreciated me and I appreciated them. 

My opinion of music was that it should be made with raw talent and raw instruments instead of technology and auto-tune. In my opinion, music has lost its soul. (This paragraph was inspired by a Freddie Mercury quote)

Everyone couldn't stand me to be different. I don't know if they were just jealous of me or they disliked how I was different. They just loved to see my reaction to modern music so they tried many ways to try and get it. One girl even forced headphones over my ears with modern music playing and it freakin' scared me! I freaked out and ripped the headphones off my head.

Don't worry, I got her back. I put Come Together on and slid the headphones on her ears. She freaked out, she hadn't heard anything like it before, she had never heard real music before.

"What is that trash you listen to!" She yelled at me.

"This is gold compared to your trash," I said calmly.

"I still can't believe you haven't heard of the Billboard Top Ten of this week!" She sneered.

"And what's so bad about that? Everyone can be different. Your music is grotty and my music is gear, darling." I said calmly.

"Grotty?" She asked.

"Yeah, grotesque!" I answered.

"What are you talking about?!" She rolled her eyes. 

"If I explained it to you, you would never get it, love."

I could see the anger blaze in her eyes. She decided to leave it alone. I smiled to myself once she left as I put A Hard Day's Night on shuffle. It was my favourite Beatles album, if you ask me it's pretty underrated. 

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds • The Beatles [Book 1]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu