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Paul's P.O.V

Lucy went out to go and buy food for us. As I laid on the bed, I grasped the white sheets and brought them in closer towards me. Nobody mattered more to me than John, right now. He's my best friend.

I felt the fatigue get the best of me and my tired eyelids trap my eyes from seeing more light. I feel into a dreamless sleep.

Lucy's P.O.V

I went out to the local fast food store. I ordered three meals with a burger and fries in each. Why three? For John. When we find him.

I went back to the hotel room. I walked up the stairs and opened the door slowly. I walked in to see Paul, still in the same position.

"Paul? I brought food."

He slowly started to open his eyes, "Lucy? That you, love?"


"Food!" Paul rejoiced.

I went to the table in the middle of the room and put the food on it, Paul followed behind me. We sat at two chairs facing each other. I pulled the food out of the bag and placed each meal in front of us.

Paul started eating. He looked so relieved to have food. I ate too. Paul looked like his concentration had been stolen by something.

"Are you alright?" I placed my hand over his which laid on the table.

"John," He said quietly.

"He'll be fine," I assured.

"Can we look for him tomorrow?"

"Sure," I started, "I'm so sorry I got you into this mess. I should have just left that darn gem alone!" Tears filled her eyes.

"No, no love, don't cry!" He cooed.

"But, I have ruined everything!"

"No, it's alright. Don't make yourself feel this way. It's not all your fault. It's partly my fault, I was the one who held the gem to go to the future."

"But, you wouldn't even have the gem if I didn't come and change your world," I stated.

"Please don't feel that way. It's alright. We'll find John then we will find the gem, then everything will be back to normal," He said.


Paul then looked at the bag.

"You have more food?"

"It's for John."

I stuck a chip in my mouth and looked over at Paul.

"Just a question," I started, "Why were you and John in a police van?"

"John punched a cop in the head because he kept on saying he was dead," Paul said taking the last bite of his burger.


Paul chuckled, "Yeah, y'know, that cop had a bad attitude and John couldn't tolerate it."

"So, that attracted more cops?"

"Yeah," Paul paused then continued talking, "What is this? It's nice!"

"Fast food," I stated.

"Food that's made fast?"


He nodded, "It's nice."

We finished eating, Paul was so tired he almost fell asleep on the table. We got up and walked over to the one bed. We looked at each other.

He sighed, "I'll sleep in the bath." He snatched a pillow from the bed and went to go walk in the bathroom.

"No!" I ran up to him and grasped his arm, "I will."

I turned him around by his shoulders and took the pillow from him. I went to go walk to the bathroom.

"Why?" He asked, "I could go."

"No, it's fine. You can sleep in the bed."

He looked up at me, like a precious baby. "Thank you." He came closer to me and gave me another one of his big hugs.

"No problem."

He walked backwards and sat on the edge of the bed. I walked in the bathroom and stepped into the bathtub. I laid the pillow beneath my head and laid down, staring at the ceiling.


It was dead quiet. I closed my eyes. I was about to fall asleep when I heard a sound, it sounded like dripping. The tap must be dripping. I tried to get out the bathtub and I walked over to the shower and turned of the irritating sound of dripping water.

I walked over back to the bathtub when I heard such a small sound it was almost unnoticeable. It was coming from Paul's room. I slowly walked to the door and saw what was making the noise. Paul kneeled beside his bed, hands pressed together.

He was praying! His lips released small whispers of need. I felt so bad for getting him into this mess. I didn't want to bother him so I went back to my bathtub and went back to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to the tap dripping water onto my face. What is it with these leaking taps? I sat up, yawned and grabbed my pillow. I went back to the bed to greet Paul. I stopped. I dropped the pillow at my feet.

"No," I said quietly. I ran forward and threw the sheets of the bed, "No!!"

I ran to the kitchen, "Paul?!" I shouted in horror. No reply.

I fell down to my knees beside the bed and buried my face into my hands. Tears leaked out of my eyes like the tap in the bathroom. They wet the surface of my fingers. I shifted and heard a small crunch. 

I opened my eyes and moved. I looked down at where I sat and saw a note. I picked it up in my trembling fingers and slowly straightened it out. I rubbed my eyes from the tears so I could read it. It said:

Dear Lucy,
I have gone to look for John, I'm sorry to leave you but John is my best friend and I need to find him before something bad happens to him. I should be back by morning.
~ Paul

I squeezed the paper and hugged it. I looked outside the window, the sun crept through two buildings. It was morning and Paul wasn't back.

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