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Paul's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep last night. I was too disturbed. Although I was extremely tired, I couldn't seem to close my eyes.

I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, I could feel the tears sting my eyes, like vinegar. I took a deep breath and gazed over at the clock on the table beside the bed, the hands ticking away freely. Every second, John was out there, lost. Every second, it felt as if a knife stabbed my heart.

I slowly unfolded the sheets off of me and kneeled beside the bed. I squeezed my hands together and leaned my fingertips on my hot forehead.

Dear God,
Please help my friend, John. He is lost out there and it is dangerous for him. I couldn't stand anything bad to happen to him. He is my best friend. I feel like I need to go and find him but I don't want to leave Lucy.

I cried into my hands silently. I got back up onto the bed and sat on the side, head down. I rubbed my eyes and sniffed. I needed to do something, I couldn't just stay here while John could be in danger out there. I'm not that selfish.

I looked up. I looked around the room. I went up to the window and stared blindly outside at the deep purple sky. I couldn't stand it any longer. I have decided what to do, I grabbed my coat and swung it over my shoulders.

I rushed into the kitchen and made myself a cup of black coffee so I wouldn't fall asleep in the gutter. I picked up a sheet of paper and clicked a pen. I wrote a little message to Lucy. I placed the paper onto the bed. As I was walking out the door, I turned around to see Lucy sleeping in the bathtub. I felt so bad to do this to her but finding John was essential.

I turned back around and quietly walked towards her being careful not to wake her. "Goodbye, dear," I whispered kissing her forehead. The guilt washed over me.

I turned back around and walked towards the door. I inserted the key into the hole and twisted, I was greeted by a dark hallway. I stepped outside the room and closed the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs and out the door. I was greeted by a dead quiet night. The wind was still. I walked along the road. I searched the city, high and low. I walked through a park in search of John, I didn't find John but I did find something else. Right below the streetlight I saw a small sheet of paper nailed to a telegraph pole.

I ran up to it and took a look at the black and white print. It read:

Name: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Height: 5' 11'
Description: Dark brown hair, leather jacket, thinks he is Paul McCartney.

I had felt as if a spotlight had been trained right onto me. My breath quickened. There was a picture of me up there, it wasn't very clear.

"I'm w-wanted?" I managed to murmur.

I looked behind me and side to side. I ripped the paper off the telegraph pole and stuffed it into my pocket. It crunched as I did so. I continued walking along the grass.

"Oh John, where could you be?" I looked around nervously.

I pulled my collar up higher over my neck and looked down. Ain't no sound but sound of my feet. I continued walking when I heard a voice.

"Hey!" The voice was so sharp it sounded like it could cut glass.

I quickly turned around, startled, to see a man with a badge. He was another cop!

"Oh crap!" I cursed before I broke out into a sprint.

I ran along the pavement. The man was chasing me, a set of handcuffs in his hands.

I continuously looked behind me to see if he was catching up. I started panting. I looked ahead of me again, I ran along the surface until I was interrupted by a small stone sticking out of the pavement.

"Aaaah!" I tripped over the small stone and came heading for the ground at a tremendous speed. I hit the pavement with my head then I saw stars.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw bars around me, I was trapped! I managed to move slowly and sat up from the ground.

"Ouch!" I immediately connected my hand to my forehead. I felt a bruise. It must've been from when I fell running from the cop.

I looked up to see a cop sitting at his desk. He stared me right in the eye.

"Well, hello," He greeted.

"Hello," I said quietly.

"It's Paul McCartney, right?" He mocked.


He shook his head. "Foolish Generation Z."

He then continued skim reading some documents. I stood up, leaning my hand on the wall so I wouldn't fall. I pressed my forehead against the bars and grasped the bars next to them. The coldness absorbing into my skin.

I pulled away and moved towards the bared window. I stared out. The sun was now almost halfway up in the sky. I stood there thinking, now all of us were lost in different places. I should never have left in the first place.

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