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Lucy's P.O.V

Oh my God, I was so dumb! My father used to be a police officer so he knew that there's a safety switch at the bottom of police vans that open the doors. He said that only police officers knew about it.

Paul's P.O.V

The door swung open! Yes! We were free, but the bad thing was, Lucy relied on the door for her balance to stop her from falling off the back.

"Aaaah!" She yelled as she started heading for the ground.

"Noooo!" I screamed, I didn't care if the cops could hear me. I reached out and tried to grab her to stop her from falling to her death.

I couldn't believe it! I managed to grab a hold of her, for long enough for her to get back up onto the back platform.

"What's going on back there?!" The driver yelled as he turned around. "Oh no you don't!"

He stepped on the brakes so hard that Lucy, John and I got flung to the front of the van. All landing on top of each other. John was still unconscious.

The van stopped, this was our chance to break free.

"Come on, quickly!" Lucy called.

I grabbed John by the shoulders and started shaking him, "John!" I yelled, desperately trying to make him become conscious again.

"Paul! Hurry up, we need to leave right now!" Lucy called. She was at the door or the van now.

"I can't leave now! John's still unconscious!" I shouted.

"The cop is coming! You need to leave right now!" She said.

The tears filled my eyes.

"I-I-I'm sorry, John," I stuttered getting up and heading towards the door.

Lucy's P.O.V

I felt so bad for leaving John behind, but if Paul stayed there, I would be the only one who would escape safely. Paul and I ran along the road, we ran for a solid ten minutes to try and out run the cop. We managed to.

As we ran, I looked over at Paul, tears streaming down his face.

"Paul, everything is going to be alright, I promise! We'll find a way to get John back!" I reassured.

He looked at me. His eyes red and glassy with tears. He seemed to choke on something, he went into a coughing fit and slowed down. He rested his palms on his knees.

"Paul, are you alright?" I asked resting my hand on his back.

He continued coughing then started to become dizzy, he lost his balance and collapsed to the ground.

"Paul!" I kneeled beside him. I held his trembling hand in mine and rested a palm on his forehead. I ran my fingers through his chocolate brown hair. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"I'm so hungry and so tired," He said through moans.

"I found a voucher that gets us 25% of a motel room. We could go there, I'll get you something to eat to help you gain some energy," I suggested.

"That would be great," He smiled weakly. 

"But, I can't leave you here on your own."

But before I could do anything else, he came out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I fell backwards from the force and he continued to hug me. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm scared..." He whimpered, "I missed you."

"You don't need to be, I'll protect you," I reassured, "Come on, I'll get that motel and I'll get you something to eat and you can get some rest."

"Okay," He agreed.

I lifted him up to his feet. He was still weak so he wobbled on his legs. He squeezed my shoulder for balance. I went into my wallet and pulled out the flyer. I showed it to him.

"That's the same place I went to!" He stated.

"You went to a motel?"

"But, I didn't have enough money for a room."

"Now we do," I pulled out the money out of my wallet.

"Oh my God! Your rich!" He stared at the money in my fingers.

We walked over to the motel, it was now very early morning, it was still very dark. The city life surrounded us. We approached the building.

"Stay by me," I said to Paul as we walked in through the doors.

"Alright," He whispered. He gripped my hand very tightly and stood very close to me.

"Hello, how could we help you?" Asked a man at the reception.

"I would like a room please," I said, I handed him the voucher.

He grinned, "How many nights are you staying?"

I looked at Paul, "Two nights," I answered. 

"Alright. Credit or cash?"

"Cash," I said as I handed him the money.

He handed me the key. Paul and I walked up to the hotel room. I inserted the key into the hole and twisted it. The door opened. We walked in together, Paul dragged himself to the bed and plonked his tired body onto the sheets.

"You stay here, I'll get something for us to eat. I'll bring it back here," I said.

He nodded in recognition. I left closing the door behind me.

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