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Oh damn! Did he know I was here?! If he didn't, I was going to scare him to death! Imagine walking into your bedroom and finding a complete stranger in there!

I tried to make myself look a little less intimidating, which was pretty hard because I was tall. I could hear his footsteps come up the stairs, he was now a couple of metres away.

He walked into the room and once she saw me he freaked out.

"Aaaah!" He shouted as he fell to the ground and backed up against the wall.

I didn't know what to say, if I told him where I came from he would never believe me.

"Where did you come from?! Please, don't hurt me!" He yelled covering his head.

I didn't mean to scare him! But if I found a random stranger in my room, my reaction would be exactly the same.

I didn't know what to do, I was under too much stress lately. Like, I literally just travelled back in time around 60 years ago, I woke up in the Paul McCartney's House, it's end of year exams on at school, I was so confused! I couldn't help it, I fell to my knees and started to cry.

"Paul?! Are you alright?! I heard you yell!" John shouted as he came up to Paul's room. "Woah!" John yelled when he saw me on the ground.

John continued "You didn't tell me you had someone in your room!"

"I-I... I didn't know either!" Paul said confused.

"Oh, no, love, don't cry!" Paul said with sympathy as he came up to me slowly.

He continued, "How did you get in my room?"

"I don't know. I was originally in my room and-"

"What are you wearing?!" John interrupted.

I looked down and, at the worst possible moment, I was wearing my Beatles T-Shirt. They both looked at my clothes.

"Who are they?" Paul said pointing at my shirt.

"Okay so this is where things get complicated," I sighed.

"Wait a minute... That one to the right looks like me," Paul pointing to the print of him in 1964.

"That's because it is you."

"That's me?!" Paul's eyes widened. "Wait a minute, who are you and where did you come from?!"

"I... I'm not from here." I said quietly lowering my head. If I told him I was from the future, he would never believe me.

"Where are you from?" John asked.

"You'll never believe me."

Paul held my hand. "Of course we'll believe you."

"You can tell us," John eyed me suspiciously.

I took a deep breath and decided to speak. But I spoke very fast. "I'm from the future, the 21st century nobody likes me because I'm a Beatlemaniac, music has gone all terrible I'm a massive fan of your music, this is a T-Shirt of you guys because you rose to fame, I don't know how I got here and I am scared!!" I shouted very quickly.

John and Paul looked at each other in confusion.

"Do you know who we are?" Paul asked with a tone of fear in his voice.

"Well, yeah, sorta," I said casually.

"How much do you know about us?" John asked.

I looked over at Paul "Your name is Paul McCartney, your birthday is June 18. You like cheese, well performed music and records by Little Richard and Dinah Washington. You hate Trad Jazz and having to shave."

Paul looked at John, a fearful look on his face.

"What about me?" John asked.

"Your name is John Lennon, your birthday is 9th October. You like cornflakes, jelly, Modern Jazz and The Shirelles. You hate Trad Jazz."

They both looked at me wide eyed.

"I can't say anymore, I'll alter the entire future." I said.

They just looked at me, wide eyed.

"So what do we do now?" Paul asked looking over at John.

"I don't know, I've never met anyone from the future before!"

"How much... In the future are you from?" Paul asked.

"21st Century... 2020." I said.

"That's... About... 60 years!" Paul said working it out with his fingers.

"Do you know how to get back, to where you once belong?" John asked.

"I don't know... I don't even know how I got here. I don't even belong in the 21st century," My voice trailed away.

"What makes you say that?" Paul asked.

"I'm so different to everyone around me there. I'm a fan of the Beatles and no one else is."

"The... Beetles?" John asked.

"Yeah, the band you and..." I quickly stopped talking because I could easily alter the entire future.

"The band, me and...?"

"I can't say anymore, I'll alter the future, you don't understand."

"Do you mean, The Beetles as in the bug?" Paul asked.

I laughed to myself because I got asked this question so much when I was in the 21st Century.

"No," I said, "I can't say anymore, please!"

"Alright, alright," John said, giving up.

"So, where do you live?" Paul asked.

"I live in the Australia," I said.

We sat around until Paul spoke up. "Do you want to stay here with me? Since you have no place to stay."

I looked at him flattered "Really?"

"Yeah, sure!" He said.

"Only if you don't mind me staying here."

"No, not at all, I'd love for you to stay!" He said holding my hand. His lips curled into a toothy grin.

"Sure!" I said.

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds • The Beatles [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now