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"It's a lot more complicated than you think, Paul," I said quietly.

"What do you mean. You just need the gem and you hold it and... Just give me the gem and I'll show you," He suggested.

"That's the thing... Having the gem," I started.

"What do you mean... Having the gem?" He asked, his doe eyes staring into mine searching for an answer.

"What do you think I mean?" I asked.

"You lost the gem?! How could you, John?" He shouted while he pushed me backwards slightly.

"Well it isn't exactly lost, well it sort of is, but it isn't, but it also is. Y'know what I mean?" I said.

"No, I don't know what you mean. There's one way you can tell if it's lost or not. If you know where it is, it isn't lost but if you don't know where it is then it is lost," He explained.

"I know where it is but I don't know where it is," I said.

"That doesn't make any sense!"

"I mean I know that it's at Ellie's house but I don't know where Lucy is or where the house is. You see I'm sort of lost," I said.

"Who's Ellie?" Paul asked.

"It's where we woke up after we time travelled. In her bedroom then her crazy father found us. Lucy knows her and knows where her house is."

"What do you mean, your lost?! Lucy is the only one who knows their way around this place. Your lost and I'm basically homeless! What are we meant to do now?!" Paul shouted, dropping his head.

Paul's P.O.V

"Freeze! Put your hands up!" A voice called in the distance. Who was that?!

"John!" I called, scared.

"What are your names?" The man said as he walked up to us showing his badge. Oh my God! He was a cop!

"John... Lennon!" John answered.

Oh my God! Why John?! Couldn't you use a fake name?! Y'know, your meant to be famous!

"Your not John Lennon!" The cop spat.

"Um, yes I am!" John argued.

"John Lennon is dead!" The cop stated.

Both of our hearts broke into a million pieces. John was dead?! Was I still alive?!

"I-I-I'm not dead," John said very quietly it was almost inaudible.

"Yes you are! And I'm guessing your name is Paul McCartney," He joked pointing at me.

"Yes," I answered.

"Oh my God! You guys, I have to give it to you, really good impressions."

John's P.O.V

I can't be dead! I'm starting to hate this guy! Who is he to tell me that I am not who I am?! He started talking to Paul like he talked to me. I clenched my fists. I was so frustrated!

I couldn't stand it! I ran up to him, grabbed him by the throat and threw him to the ground.

"Don't you ever talk to me or Paul like that again!" I yelled kicking him.

Before I could do anything else I felt two arms grab me and restrain me.

"Calm down! Relax! What the hell was that for?!" Paul hissed. "Look what you've done!" He pointed at the cop on the floor.

I looked down at the cop, slowly moving. I think I hurt him a lot more than I intended to. He moaned in pain.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?!" He hissed, "Now more cops are going to come!" He grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me. His eyes were widened with fear.

"Hey!" Another voice interrupted.

"Run!" I shouted.

Paul and I ran across the large park, in the dead of night. The only light we had was the faint streetlight. I had been awake for around 24 hours now, I was beyond tired.

"Paul?" I called half asleep, "I-I can't run anymore."

"No John! You need to keep running!" Paul shouted in fear.

"I'm too tired," I said quietly as I collapsed to the ground.

"John!" Paul shouted as he turned around and kneeled beside me. "Please don't do this! You need to keep on going!" He grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently.

"Freeze! Your surrounded!" The cops called.

"It's too late," I said quietly.

Paul's P.O.V

"Hands up!" The cops called as they surrounded us.

They had guns on them. Oh my God! I hated guns! Two cops came up to us with handcuffs. This can't be happening right now!

"You have the right to remain silent."

"Why are you a-aresting us?!" I managed to stutter.

"I said, you have the right to remain silent!" The cop yelled as he pushed me to the ground.

I felt so small compared to all the cops. When the man pushed me, I saw John didn't like it. He tried to break away from the handcuffs and attack the man who pushed me.

"Don't you dare, push my friend! If you do, your gonna pay!" He yelled squeezing his teeth.

"You hurt a cop and you'll be punished!" The cop shouted, "Troublemakers!" He spat.

What could I do? I was on the floor handcuffed and couldn't get up. They threw John and I in the back of their van and were about to close the door when I saw someone in the distance.

"Lucy!" I called.

I couldn't hear what she was saying but I could tell she saw me because she started running towards us.

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