Chapter 9

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Me and Todo-chan arrived at school early morning. Once we arrived at the school gates, we saw a pack of reporters crowding the front. Soon we were swarmed and surrounded by the group.

"Hey hey you! tell me, is all might really teaching at this school?"
"How are his classes?"
"Is he a good teacher?" The reporters questioned.

I backed up a bit from the questions and leaned on Todo-chan's chest.

"Hey aren't you endeavor's son?"

I felt Todo-chan flinch at the comment but luckily he kept his cool. I started getting annoyed by the questions and thought of a plan to get us past the group. "Todo, can you please put your hand on my shoulder and make sure to hold tightly" I whispered. He seemed unsure at first but proceeded to do the action.

In a blur I disappeared from the crowd and entered the building. "What just happened?" Todo-chan questioned.
"I used my speed" I said, a little frustrated from the press.

We entered our classroom and took seats while a minutes passed and soon the class was packed with students. The bell rang, signaling the start of class but shota has not entered the room. I'm so dead, I covered my face with both my hands. 20 minutes passed with Shota entering the room with his regular demeanor but I felt something was off.

Tenya-kun stood up from his chair "Sensei why are you this late!?, it is highly irresponsible for a U.A teacher!"

"I'm sorry about that, apparently my alarm wasn't on the right time" He said the last line, glaring towards me while I only waved awkwardly. I mouthed a sorry at him and homeroom began.

"Now to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice but today I'll have you.." Most of my classmates tensed up.
"Pick a class representative" the class sighed in relief and soon erupted in loud noises with hands raised.

"Pick me!, I wanna be class rep!"
"I'll do it!"
"Yeah you're gonna need me"
"It was meant fo-"
"I'll be leader!"

Tenya looked like he wanted to say something, "QUIET!!" I shouted out. The class quelled down as soon as they heard my voice.
He spoke seriously "Thank you Y/N. Now the class rep's job is to have serious responsibility leading others students. That's not something everyone can do. If we want to choose a leader democratically, I suggest we hold a vote" He raised held his hand high.

"It's obvious you want us to vote for you" The class said in unison.

"We haven't know each other for that long, how are we suppose to trust each other?" Tsuyu-chan asked.
"And besides everyone will vote for themselves" Kiri-san said.
"All the more, whoever received the most votes, is the most suitable for this position! What did you think sensei?"
"Do whatever you want, as long as you do it in time, I don't care" Shota said before zipping up his sleeping bag and laying on the floor.

We received pieces of paper for writing down our nominations. Yao-momo seems capable for handling this type of job so I'll vote for her, I wrote down her name on the paper.

"So it seems that midoriya will be class president and yaoyorozu will be vice president" Said shota.

I looked at Izuku, who looked absolutely frightened at the thought of leading the class.

"So who'd you vote for?" I asked Todo-chan
"Oh same!"


Lunch soon came up from a corner. As punishment for knocking Shota out cold, he asked me to deliver some papers to the faculty room. I gave Todo-chan the lunch I made for him and bolted to the faculty room.

I knocked on the door 3 times before opening and entering. "Morning sensei's!" I said.
Some of them acknowledged my presence and smiled at me. "Hey Y/N! What are those for?" Asked Nemuri-chan.
"Shota asked me to bring these papers to you guys" I placed the papers on his faculty desk.
"Oh yes, I had forgotten about those. Thanks Y/N!"
"No problem, now I'll be taking my leave" I walked out of the room

As I was walking down the hallway, The alarm blared.


I soon heard screaming but shrugged off the noise. As I walked in one of the halls, I saw multiple students crowding and flooding the area's exit. I looked out the window to see the breach but was mistaken with the press bypassing the schools gate.

I sweat dropped at the crowd before walking in the opposite direction. Too many people, not my problem.


After the police came and fixed up the fiasco that just happened, I exited the building and examined the gate, looking for the reason why it broke easily. No reporter could have done this, a villain?

I kneeled down, seeing ash on the ground. I sighed at the sight, standing back up. So he's back, not a surprise, I thought to myself.
"Ah young Ackerman! Shouldn't you be in class?" A familiar voice called out. I looked back and smiled at the dog-mouse-bear hybrid who had hands behind his back.
"Nezu-sama, it's good seeing you again" I bowed.
"Likewise Y/N, now mind if you tell me why are you here outside?" He asked.
"I was examining the cause of the destruction of the school gate.. I may have found a possible answer"
"And what might that be?"

There was a long pause before I answered. "A Villain destroyed the gate" He nodded in response. "I'll see what I can do about this, in the meantime you should head back to class. Thank you for this information Y/N, you'll make a great hero someday" I smiled at his statement. "Thank you Nezu-sama" I bowed again and rushed towards class.

I entered the classroom and all eyes were on me. "Uh.. Hi?" I said, awkwardly. "And where were you miss Ackerman?" Shota asked.
"Ill tell you about it later" I took a seat and class continued.

Apparently Izuku stepped down as class rep and gave the position to tenya-kun.

The day went on and ended with me doing my daily routine on going home with todo-chan. Shota told me that we were going to be doing something special tomorrow for our basic hero training.

I have a bad feeling about this and decided to tell Nezu-sama about it tomorrow.

(A/N: unexpectedly i managed to recover sooner from the exams and rapid fired every question, means i have more time now, yay! Honestly i feel like crap right now but continuing to write this stuff makes me lift up a bit from pressure)

Warrior | Todoroki x reader (Discontinued. Remake In Progress)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon