Chapter 23: Fight Night.

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I Do Not Own RWBY*

A Few Hours After Chapter 22: The Dinner Party*

Ash's POV*

I was polishing my gun while I waited for Arthur Watts to take the bait that I had Ironwood layout in the broadcast.

I looked down and saw Arthur Watts stepping into the arena and onto the stage.

I pressed a button and closed all the entrances to the arena in case he ran away.

I pressed the intercom button and said "Arthur Watts... Welcome to the arena.".

Arthur stepped forward and said, "It wasn't finished, it was bait.".

I set the intercom down and jumped to the arena.

I landed and said, "My plan to be exact, but the general was all for it.".

Arthur snickered and asked, "And who are you exactly?".

I said, "Some know me as Ash, but the public knows me as Cryomancer.".

Arthur said, "Hmm, you look familiar... but it's a privilege to have one of Atlas's greatest here to try and stop me.".

I said "Let me be clear. After I defeat you, you're going to tell me somethings about someone and I expect an answer.".

Arthur asked, "Do you even know who you're messing with, child?".

I said, "A masterful scientist, specializing in the fields of computer engineering, mechanical engineering, anatomical engineering, espionage, guerrilla warfare, and security systems, as well as one of Salem's inner circle.".

Arthur hummed and I said, "And the only person available at this current time who can tell me where my sister is.".

Arthur said, "And from what I've been told, You're a masterful hand to hand combat specialist ranging to various techniques, you're a gunslinger and like myself, you don't waste a single bullet, add to the fact your high-end planning skills, precognitive thinking, and it appears we have a match up for a wondrous fight.".

I smirked and looked at his hand to see the rings and his dust revolver.

I said, "I see you have those special rings on almost every finger, which have allowed you to synchronize an array of scrolls to hack into the Atlesian security systems and generating high-end dust shields like my own. Plus, I see you're packing your ornate, golden, double-barrel Dust revolver, which contains a total of 20 shots.".

Arthur said, "You know your stuff child. I'd say there are only a few people in the world with a mindset like ours and we never get to fight much do we?".

I said, "Not at all. Though in a place like this, how could we refuse?".

Arthur threw his bag aside and said, "You know, this place has always been a technological marvel. Truly, even before James went and did all of this.".

We walked around in a circle around one another and I said, "The different types of Dust, the biodome system.".

Arthur stopped and said, "And of course, everything that goes into controlling them.".

He kneeled down and slapped his hand on the ground which activated the arena.

I pulled out my Desert Eagles and took two shots at him, one from each gun but Arthur blocked them with a dust shield.

I said "38." then I said, "So that's what it feels like when I use that on people?".

The biodomes were decided and Arthur jumped up and landed on the floating land pieces coming up from the ground.

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