Chapter 18: The Betrayal Of Trust.

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I Do Not Own RWBY*

A Few Hours After Chapter 17: The Road To Atlas.*

Ash's POV*

We made it to Atlas.

I needed to go see Winter.

I said "Delta, employ smoke bombs.".

He said "Yes but-".

I said "No buts.".

The doors to the ship opened to reveal Ironwood.

Delta used the gas and I used what minor strength I had to run to Winter's special ops mansion.

When I reached there I busted through the doors and stumbled to the grounds.

Winter ran over and helped me up.

I took my helmet off as she helped me up to her room where she undressed my top half except for my bra.

She got the stitches out. 

I set my helmet down on her dresser.

She started to stitch me up as I began to feel more tired.

Ironwood's POV*

After Ash pulled her disappearing move I said "Follow me, I know where she went.".

Weiss's POV*

We were led by Ironwood to a special ops mansion.

We saw blood and the door opened so we feared the worst.

We entered the house and we followed Ironwood upstairs to where we saw Cryomancer's coat and shirt on the ground.

We then looked over to see her in bed with my sister beside cradling her in her lap.

Ironwood asked "Delta? How is she?".

Delta said "Fine all things considered. She'll have what I can only describe as a hangover when she wakes up.".

Ironwood nodded and exited.

We followed him and Winter did so after we had all left her room.

She walked next to me.

I asked "Do you know who she really is?".

Winter said "Kind of.".

We all took a seat in the living room and started discussing things.


Ironwood and Winter left and we started talking about Cryomancer.

Ash's POV*

I woke up with my head pounding.

Delta said "Welcome back to the land of the free.".

I said "Shh, shh, shh, Delta please.".

I got out of bed and grabbed the new pair of Kevlar Winter left for me.

I walked over and grabbed my guns and cane.

While my wounds healed faster I walked downstairs to hear everyone talking.

Yang said "She's a monster!".

Ruby said "That's a little harsh.".

Blake said "She's a murderer.".

Weiss said "She only killed those who broke the law.".

Yang angrily shouted "She broke my fucking jaw and four of my ribs!".

Delta said "We should-".

I interrupted him and said "No.".

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