Chapter 21: The Job.

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I Do Not Own RWBY*

The Day After Chapter 20: Captured*

At 3:00 AM*

Ash's POV*

I got up and did my push-ups as well as my sit up until I grabbed a shower then headed down the hall at 6:00 AM for the morning shift.

I took my seat and I was the only one there.

30 Minutes Later*

Jaune took his seat and Marrow guilt-tripped him into handing over his coffee which I found sad.

Clover came in and said, "Eyes up, Huntsmen. Time to get used to the new normal here in Atlas. Your top priority is Amity Tower. That means protecting supply runs from Grimms and Bandits. And, protecting the site itself. Diverting all construction to Amity Tower means there are going to be some gaps in Mantle's defense against the Grimm. They'll need help on the perimeter. But there's plenty of things to do in Mantle itself. You're of course free to enjoy your time off as you see fit. Whatever helps you take the edge off. The huntsman around you can be an invaluable resource. If your willing to pay attention. So, what's it gonna be?".

I rolled my eyes and got ready to go wherever.

Later In The Day*

I was on guard detail with Weiss, Ruby, and Qrow for the day and I ended up falling asleep in the back of the ice truck.

When we made it to the designated area I and Qrow stood by as Ruby and Weiss cleaned house.

I took a step forward and found a giant sword in my way.

I turned to Qrow and he said "Your out on probation kid. Don't even think about hurting them.".

I said, "Your sister threatened me once and she backed down real easy, however, since I'm in a nice mood, I'll listen to you since you have a new spring to your step.".

I took a step back and he put the sword away.

The girls finished up and the supply ships started coming in.

An Hour Later*

After we got back I had free time to do whatever so I went down to Mantle to walk around a bit.

Along my way, I saw some guys beating on this poor girl.

I put my hands in my pocket and walked over.

I leaned on the wall and said, "It's not nice to pick on girls.".

One of them said, "Well lookie what we got here boys." as he approached me.

He reached out with one arm and I grabbed it and twisted it around his back.

I dislocated it and threw him aside.

The next guy came at me with a knife so I hit the blade out of his hands and fractured his jaw with my elbow.

He hit the ground then they both scrambled to their feet and ran off.

I turned to the girl and offered her a hand.

She took it and I helped her up.

I helped her all the way to a clinic and somehow met a man named Pietro in the coolest chair I've ever seen.

We got to talking and he seemed to be a caring old man and was one of Atlas's best which I respected.

I walked out of his little place to see Robyn Hill waiting for me.

She said, "Follow me.".

I nodded and we began walking.

She said "I saw what you did for that girl. It was really generous of you.".

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