Dead Man's Blood part 2

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Dad?" Sam asked "whatever happened to that college fund?"
"Spent it on ammo." John admits
The father and son share a smile.
Looking over to his sleeping daughter, he turns back to Sam.
"How is she?" He asked not really knowing much about his only daughter anymore.
Sam shrugged his shoulders.
His older sister was a complex person.
Only Dean really knew all about her.
"She's...okay I guess. You really should ask Dean though, he could read her like the back of his hand. I only know what I see on the surface." Sam told him.
Just as Sam finished speaking, Dean walked Through the door.
When he closed it shut, the sound woke up Darcey.
"Whew. Man, some heavy security to protect a bunch of dead guys." Dean says a bit out of breathe.
"You get it?" John asked
Dean went into his pockets and pulled out something in a brown paper bag. He handed it to his dad.
"You know what to do." John says


By nighttime, their plan was set into Motion.
Back a couple miles away from the vamp nest, Darcey and Dean were outside of the car, pretending it's broken down.
Darcey stood beside Dean with her arms crossed as Dean looked under the hood.

"Car trouble?" A voice asked from behind them.
"Let me give you a lift, take you back to my place." The girl vamp said
"I'll pass. I usually draw the line at necrophilia." Dean says "yeah, you're not really my type." Darcey says
"Ooh" the vampires said, then did a double hit that knocked both Dean and Darcey down.
As another vampire showed up.
The girl vampire grabbed Deans jaw and the other one did the same to Darcey.
"I don't normally get this friendly till the second date, but..." Dean says though it comes out all muffled.
"You know, we could have some fun."  She tells him "I always like to make new friends, so does this guy over here." She says nodding her head over the the guy that's holding Darcey.
The girl starts to kiss Dean as the guy goes to kiss Darcey, she tries her best to pull her head back but his grip on her is too strong.
When they stop, Dean says, "sorry. Don't really stay with a chick that long. Definitely not entirely. And neither does my sister here, oh, and I'm going to kill you for touching her."

When a arrow goes through the guy holding Darcey, another one goes through the one holding Dean.
The twins are both let go. 
"Damn it." She says as. Sam and John make they're way over.
"Barely even stings." She says
"Give it time, sweetheart." John tells her.
"Arrows soaked in dead man's blood. It's like poison to you, isn't it?"

When the girl falls, Dean catches her and puts her in the truck.
John then gets out his machete and chops the vamps head right off.

When the Winchester found a place, they set up to make a fire as the girl vampire is tired up to a tree beside it.
"Toss this on the fire. Saffron, skunk's cabbage and trillium. It will block our sent, and her's until we're ready." John tells his children.
"Stuff stinks" Darcey says as Dean walks by with it. She put the collar of her shirt up to cover her nose to block the smell.
"That's the idea." They're dad says as Dean puts the stuff in.
"Dust your clothes with the ashes and you might not be detected." John also tells them
"You sure they'll come after her?" Sam asked
"Yeah. Vampires mate for life. She means more to the leader than the gun. But the blood-sickness is going to wear off you don't have a lot of time." John says.
"Half-hour ought to do it." Dean said
"Then I want you out of the area fast." They're dad tells them. Darcey hates the idea of slitting up from their father again, but she's going to have to put her worries aside for now.
"But—" Sam starts
"Dad, you can't take care of all them Yourself. " Dean says
"I'll have her. And the Colt." John tells them to calm them, but all else failing when it came to Darcey.
"I didn't like this idea. Not at all." She says
"We're gonna meet up after, right? Use the gun together." Sam asked

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