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Brook is in headspace in this
Ik this is short to but I just want to post something
Sonny pov
Sonny- jack we have to wake up brook we need to film a cover today
Jack- Ik but he is in headspace and he doesn't feel well
Sonny- jack we need him out of headspace because this is the only time Alex and Connor will be here this week
Jack-fine (goes to brook room and taps him)
Jack- brook baby you have to get up we have to film today
Brook-baby don't wan to get up
Jack- I know baby but we have to film and we can't miss it
Brook-fine but can we go out to eat later pwease (puppy face)
Jack-sure baby but first go give daddy a kiss and we can get you all fresh for the day yea?
Brook-(nodded and gave jack a kiss)
Sonny-oh hey baby your finally up
Jack-yea didn't take long at all
Brook-yea dad promised me a dinner later and I want you daddy to come to
Sonny-oh ok baby sure I guess we are going to dinner after we film. Now go get dressed baby
Brook-(nodded and gave sonny a kiss)
(4hours later)
Brook-can we pwease go to a restaurant now
Jack and sonny-yes baby
They went to a restaurant like promised and may or may not spoiled him a lil with a film after.

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