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Rye's pov

Today me and the boys are going to slime fest to perform. It's is currently 6:00 am and all of us are heading out of the house with our bags and going to a hotel. As I got in the care I was going to sit in the back with my boyfriend andy but sonny was already sitting next to him and his bag was also next to him so the back seat was basically token up. I turned around and just sat in the front with jack and brook . It's kinda weird because I usually sit next to andy and he would usually cuddle with me but I'm not going to say nothing right now it's probably because it's early in the morning who knows.
3 hours later
The van stopped and everyone got out of the van to go to the bathroom and get something to eat. I was going to talk to andy but it was to late because he already ran inside, he has been acting weird he didn't even say good morning babe or nothing. I just shrugged it off and went to the bathroom because I really needed to go and after ,I got something to eat. Everyone was now sitting at a table eating breakfast. I looked over at andy and he was talking to sonny and I started to feel a lot jealous because he is talking to everyone other then me. So I just decided to put matters into my own hands and talk to him myself.
I got up and walked over to andy and said " um andy can I have a word with you in private please" he just nodded and got up and grabbed his phone. We walked outside and I started talking.
"Why have you been ignoring me" was the first thing I asked, and he just looked at me confused. "Umm I haven't rye what are you on about" he said looking down. I grabbed his chin and made him look at me "andy what is the matter" I asked now looking into his eyes. "Umm rye I have to tell you something" I just looked at him ready for him to continue talking. " ok so uhm yesterday when I was sleeping I had this dream that you got killed and sonny was there to help me and we got closer and c-loser and we had sex" andy said full on crying now which I don't get because it was only and dream "hey baby it's fine see I'm here and I'm ok and even if In your dream you and sonny had sex it was just a dream ok and we all know my sex is better ,but that's besides the point, just don't avoid me if their is something going on talk to me ok baby" he just nodded and we headed back into the restaurant and started to finish our food. We got back into the van and I sat next to andy this time and he cuddled into me. I was about to go to sleep but then brook started misbehaving "brook we are not about to have this ,cmon and sit
down with me and don't throw this tantrum ok" jack said trying to grabbed brook but he was refusing to move off of sonny's lap  . I think jack had enough because he grabbed him by his arm and sat brook on his lap and whispered something in his ear. Which left brook with a pouty face on jacks lap. Sonny just ignored all of it and put headphones on listening to his music. I just laughed and looked down at my baby cuddled up to my side looking beautiful as ever. I could not be much happier

I need to be more active gosh might add another story who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️

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