Chapter 39 - Help

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Dev had left for work earlier that day in order to be able to leave work earlier. He finished off all his work for the day and made his way home. Dev had planned to take Pari out for a picnic. He thought it was a nice idea. He drove home and arrived to an empty house.
Dev called out for Pari's name but never received a response. He started to get worried. The first thought in his mind was Kabir. What if he had broken into his house and had kidnapped her or something. Dev tried to calm down and not to expect the worst. Maybe Pari went out for a walk. Yes that must be it he thought. Dev couldn't hold still anymore. He was way too worried. He grabbed his phone and immediately called her.

In the meantime Pari had made it quietly into the house. Luckily she knew where Kabir had kept all the important documents. It shouldn't take her long and she was good to go again. Just as she was taking a step to go upstairs her phone rang furiously. Pari experienced a semi hear attack. The thought of Kabir being close by haunted her. Pari glanced at her screen and saw Dev calling her. She totally forgot about him. He must be worried sick by now.
Finally Pari took the call.

"Pari where are you, thank God I was so worried about you!" Dev blurted.

"I'm so sorry Dev, I knew if I had told you, you wouldn't let me go." Pari said while going upstairs into her old bedroom.

"Where are you?" He asked curiously.

Pari took a deep breath before anse this one. "I am at my old house."

"What, why? What are you doing there? You shouldn't be there alone! What if Kabir is there!? I'm on my way!"

"Now would you calm down Dev! I got this, I'm just here to grab some of my belongings like my legal documents." She hissed.

Pari did think it was sweet of him to worry so much about her. But maybe he was a little too worried. After all she was a grown woman. She could handle things on her own. And to be fair, if anyone knew how to handle Kabir it should be her. Pari made her way to the bedroom and opened his closet.

"I'm sorry, but can we keep on talking just to make sure you'll return safe?"

Pari sighed. "I'm sorry too, I didn't mean to hiss at you like that and yes we can, it will just take me longer to grab my things." Pari giggled a little.
Pari looked through his closet and brought out a little safe. There Kabir and her usually stored all their legal documents such as their passports etc.

"What are you doing?" Dev asked.

"Opening a safe. It's not like I'm throwing some sort of fiesta and haven't invited you to it Dev!" She said sarcastically.

"Can't I ask?" Dev shook his head. Sometimes Pari could be very stubborn. Maybe it was exactly that that got them into this big mess in the first place.

"Ah got it!" Pari triumphed.


"Oh sorry, I just opened the safe."

"Way to go Miss Bond" Dev said.

Pari finally opened the safe and quickly grabbed her documents and stuffed them in her purse. Pari closed the safe and put it right back from where she got it and closed the closet.
Pari stood up and walked over to her own closet. She wanted to grab some more clothing before she would go back. As she was taking out some clothes she heard footsteps getting closer.
"Shit.." she mumbled. Her heart began beating so fast she feared it would jump right out of her chest. She prayed it was Dev. But deep inside she recognized those steps. It only belonged to one person. Kabir. This time she didn't know whether she'd make it alive or not.
"Dev please tell me it's you coming upstairs.." Pari whispered.

"What, no what do you mean Pari? Are you alright?" Dev said.

What Pari didn't know was that Dev was already on his way. It was not that he didn't trust her to do this on her own, but it was Kabir whom he did not trust.
Pari tried to hide in the closet, but it was too late.. Kabir had already entered the room.

"Well, well, so we meet again." Kabir said coming closer to Pari.
Pari was never this scared in her life before. Some moment in the past weeks had made her want to live - live happily with Dev. He had given her hope.
"Kabir - I , what are you doing here?"
Pari managed to blurt out.
"Is that the way to greet your husband?" He laughed mischievously.
"Kabir stay away from me! Whatever you say you're not my husband anymore!" Pari said with a shaking voice.
"Oh really? The state says otherwise." Kabir said while keep coming closer.
"I missed you, where's your little friend? sad he's about to miss this all!"
Kabir grabbed her by her arm and pushed her to the wall making her drop her phone.
"Let go of me you monster!" Pari screamed.
Pari tried to hold back her tears. It would only bring him more joy.
She was used to the pain, but she was still a little weakened so it hurt twice as much.

"Pari!" Dev yelled into the phone.
He had heard everything. Dev tensed up. He drove way too fast, but he had to get there before he would do another thing to her. "Please hang on Pari, I'm on my way." He whispered. Dev took the opportunity and hung up the call to call the police. Hopefully both would arrive before it's too late.

"You made a big mistake leaving me Pari. Now you're paying for it." Kabir said while holding her even tighter.
Pari tried to free herself from his grip but there was no point in it.
Pari prayed Dev would come to her rescue as stupid as that sounded.
"The biggest mistake I made in life was marrying you!" Pari yelled. She did not know where she gathered the courage from to say that, but it was a good thing she did. Pari had to somehow free herself, so she tried to kick him in his soft spot. Somehow she managed to kick him right where it hurt the most, causing him to flinch.

"You little slut! You're going to regret this!" He shouted. Kabir quickly pulled out a gun. Pari gasped. This was it. He had won. She was going to be history.
"If I can't have you no one else should have you."

Meanwhile the police and Dev had arrived at the same time. They barged into the house and quickly ran upstairs.
Luckily they made it just in time.
"Drop the gun now!" The police officer yelled.
"Oh you play dirty Pari." He whispered.
"And what if I don't?" Kabir called back at the police.

"Then we have to shoot!" The police officer yelled.
Dev tried to run to Pari, but the other officers held him back. He couldn't bare the sight of this.
"Say goodbye Pari!" Kabir said and was about to pull the trigger, but the police officer was faster. The police man had no choice but to shoot Kabir, which caused him to fall to ground.
Pari was in a total state of shock, but relieved as well. Dev immediately ran to her and hugged her tight.
"Pari I'm so glad you're okay."
Pari hugged him even tighter with tears running down her cheeks.
They just hugged each other not noticing that Kabir was taken care off when the ambulance arrived.
"I promise he won't be an issue anymore." Dev said wiping away her tears.
"I love you, my superhero!" Pari said quietly.

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