Chapter 15 - Pain

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Pari was in immense pain. She could barely walk, how in the hell would she be able to get treatment? Her phone was shattered now, so there was no way she could call an ambulance. The only telephone they had was in Kabir's office, but he would always keep that room locked for some reason. There was no way she could go out in public looking like this. The doctors would ask too many questions she could not answer. Pari slowly walked upstairs to the bathroom to get the medical kit. She restrained herself from letting out a screech of pain when walking. Tears flowed down her cheeks. Why did Dev have to pick up. Pari could not blame him, her disappearing must have had him worried. She eventually reached the bathroom and grabbed the medical kit. Pari was in so much pain she had to be careful not to faint. She carefully took out the glass pieces and rubbed on some alcohol on the wounds. It hurt like hell.

After a while she had taken out all the glass pieces. She did not have the guts to look herself in the mirror, but somehow she had to. She took a deep breath and looked herself in the mirror. Pari looked awful. She carefully examined her hair. Why did he do this to her? His own wife? With no proof of her cheating he dragged her into this mess. Her eyes swollen, red and puffy from all the crying. Cuts, blood, bruises, everything you could imagine. Pari could not possibly go to work looking like this. Dev would ask her what happened and this time she could not come up with another ridiculous excuse. No matter how clumsy one can be, one would certainly not fall into a glass coffee table, have multiple bruises, cuts and only have half of their hair left.

Pari slowly walked into their bedroom and carefully sat down. It hurt more than she would like to admit. Every inch of her body was in pain. How desperately did she want to cry out for help, but she could not. Her voice was not to be heard. She was muted, basically intimated by him. She was afraid of seeking out help. Pari knew if she would seek out help he would turn into a even bigger monster, than he already was. Now even Dev was slightly part of her living hell. Pari prayed Kabir was not looking for Dev. It would end bad for him. Not that she did not believe he could protect himself, but she knew Kabir was dangerous and not afraid of anything. Pari could not bare the thought of him getting hurt because of her. She could not let him be a part of this mess, especially since he did not know she was married. Dev was always there for her, how much did she wish he was here with her right now. But no afterall Dev had a happy life with his girlfriend, why would he come for her rescue. Pari let out a deep sigh and broke out in tears again. She laid down and tried to sleep. She wanted to be fast asleep hoping all this would be a nightmare only, but no it was her life..

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