Chapter 13 - Lunch

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"How is my favourite coworker doing?" Dev said as he went inside Pari's office.
"Here I brought you some coffee." He said while putting it down on her table. It was the best feeling ever for Dev having back his best friend. Maybe they were not as close as before, but they were slowly getting there. They were less awkward around each other and were having a easier time spending time together.
"Thank you Dev." She mumbled.
She was so focused on her work.
Dev looked at her with a smile.
She had not changed at all.
The only fact that changed was her lost smile. Whenever she did smile it was not genuine. Dev could feel that. As someone who knew her for so long, he could easily identify her true smile from her fake one. Dev wanted to know why she lost her honest smile, but he did not want to invade her personal life. He was not sure how close they had gotten, so therefore he did not ask. She also must have become very clumsy, because Pari would come to work with new bruises. One part of Dev did not believe her, her reasons did not seem reasonable for a bruise, but again he did not question anything.

"How is the project coming along?" Dev asked while sipping on his coffee.
"Good, despite the fact that the supplier cancelled on us last minute." Pari replied.
"That's right, my team is already working on that issue, I'm sure we'll find a new supplier in no time."
"That's good to hear!" She said and took a sip of her coffee.
"Well then I won't disturb your work anymore." Dev said and was about to stand up before Pari stopped him.
"I don't mind at all! You can stay! In fact I was going to ask you something." Pari said and took out some papers.
"Oh yes sure, let me see."
They discussed some project related topics.

It was lunch time. The past few days they always spent lunch time together. Usually near the cafe next to Dev's company. Pari and Dev went to the cafe, just like the past days and sat down at their usual table near the window.
They ordered their lunch and just talked about random things.
"Remember that time you were too stubborn to admit that you were afraid of heights and almost broke your leg when you jumped down?" Dev laughed.
"Hey to my defense, I miscalculated the jump and it's not like you aren't that stubborn as well!" She giggled.
"Whatever!" Dev rolled his eyes at her.
Both enjoyed their lunch and laughed through it.

Their lunch was unfortunately interrupted by a phone call Dev was receiving.
"I'm sorry I have to take this!" He said in a hurry, stood up and took the call.
Pari was enjoying her lunch until she saw Kabir walking by the window.
Her food almost stuck in her throat.
Pari immediately stood up, left some money on the table and rushed outside of the cafe. She could not risk being seen with Dev. Kabir would misinterpret it and it would not end well for any of the participants. Pari could not risk Kabir hurting Dev. She could never forgive herself if something happened to him. Bad enough she has to suffer from Kabir's behaviour, she could not also drag Dev into it. Pari headed towards her home and texted Dev.

"I'm sorry for just leaving, family emergency, I'll see you tomorrow!"
She send the text and let out a long sigh. She hated lying, especially to him. But Pari had no other choice, what else was she able to do. Pari prayed that Dev did not question anything. She was not ready to come clean with the truth.

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