Chapter 1 - Swings

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The warm summer breeze welcomed Pari as she stepped inside into the garden. It was the first day of summer break. That meant no school and getting to spend a lot of time with her neighbour and best friend Dev.
This was officially their last year of school, so she tried to enjoy ever day to the most, before she was loaded with studies. Dev messaged her and asked her if she wanted to join him at the park. Dev always had good timing. Her eyes lit up. Pari and Dev were the bestest friends. No one could break them apart. "Yes, I'll be there in ten minutes." She hurriedly said and rushed to her bedroom. There Pari picked out her favourite summer dress.
It was a light pink, with lots of flowers on it. She tied up her hair in a ponytail and left the house.

Pari was walking towards the park, where Dev was eagerly waiting for her.
He greeted her and started talking about his crazy day.
Pari could not help but to laugh at his ridiculous story.
"What's so funny?" He asked.
"Nothing, it's just a funny story!" Pari giggled.
"Your laugh is beautiful.." Dev remarked.
Pari blushed slightly. She always blushed when he complimented her. But she just assumed it was normal to compliment each other.

Her eyes grew big when she saw the set of swings were finally free. Pari dragged Dev to the swings.
"Will you push me please?" Pari asked sweet and innocently.
"You're such a kid sometimes." Dev laughed and started pushing her.
Dev pushed her fast so she could fly high. He thought she was the cutest person ever. Not only was Pari the prettiest girl he had ever seen, but also she had the most amazing personality.
Dev had had a crush on Pari ever since they were fifteen. Now three years later he still maintained his feelings for her. Dev had always been afraid of revealing his feelings towards her, because he was afraid of ruining their friendship.

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" Dev asked. He knew her exact answer.
"You bet I want! Come on!" Pari said and ran over to the ice cream truck.
Dev order two chocolate chip ice creams and gave one to her after paying.
"How do you always know what I want?" She said while smiling and eating her ice cream.
"Well what can I say, I'm a genius!" He laughed.
Pari rolled her eyes.
"Yeah with the biggest attitude ever!"
"I beg your pardon!"
"Idiot!" Pari mumbled.
She couldn't help but smile at her best friends comments. Pari knew these would be some great holidays!

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