Chapter 27 - Questions

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For the past two days Dev was going around with an uneasy feeling. His head was hurting from all these unanswered questions. Why had she come up with a lie? Why hasn't she showed up at work? What was going on? Dev tried to understand, but each time his head filled with even more questions than before. He tried to reach her multiple times, but she never answered. It was strange to him.
"Were you able to get through to her?" Dev asked his assistant.
"Sorry sir, she didn't pick up!" She said.
He let out a sigh. Maybe she got in trouble because of him. Dev picked up his phone and dialed her phone number once again for the hundreds time today. But again of course mailbox.
Dev tried to concentrate on work and get some things done before the deadline. After some time Dev checked to see if he got any mail, to his surprise Pari had emailed him. He quickly read through the mail. Dev was a little unsure, but he was relieved she was doing fine. Else he would have visited her after work. Now he could cross that off of his list. Yet her mail seemed fishy, couldn't she just have called? Usually he would have to fire her for just leaving and coming however she pleases, but he couldn't possibly do that. No replacement would be as good as Pari. Dev decided not to bother for now and concentrate on his work.

Meanwhile Pari had managed to screw the door lock back on again. It looked like nothing had happened. She was proud of herself. She quickly put back his toolbox where it belonged and went back to their bedroom. She took out her diary from under their bed and began writing. Last year when she was in Queens she visited this little store and it had the most gorgeous notebook ever. The notebook had a little lock, so she bought it and decided to turn it into her diary. Ever since she had been writing in it. She wrote about all the good and bad events in her life. Lately all the good events included Dev and all the bad ones were about Kabir. Pari was sad. Deeply hurt. Shouldn't marriage be a beautiful thing? Shouldn't a husband be the one who loves you the most and protects you and the one who would never hurt you? But this clearly didn't speak for Pari. It was the opposite for her. Her husband was the one who weakened her the most. Pari couldn't even recognize herself anymore. Usually she was a person who didn't depend on anyone and lived her life by her own rules. She would never let anyone rule her life for her, but now, she was too afraid to do anything about it. Especially since it involved another person's life. She just couldn't risk Dev's life for her own sake.

Pari's thoughts drifted back to the pictures she had seen earlier. It annoyed her how Kabir had double standards. For him it was acceptable to do whatever with whomever he wanted and easily get away with it, but god forbid she even looked at another living and breathing male. What had her life turned into. Pari couldn't take it anymore, one thing was clear, she couldn't and didn't want to live on like this. Was there a way out of this all? Pari felt so alone and helpless, what could she possibly do? Any move against him was a step closer to death. She closed her diary with a sigh and locked it. She hid the book under the bed and went downstairs to prepare lunch. It felt like life didn't move on for her. She had become someone's slave, who did whatever he demanded. The worst thing about this all was that Pari didn't even have a friend who could help her out of this mess. Of course there was Dev, but he was the last person who could truly help her. Pari didn't know what to do, after all he was her husband. Does she really want to go against him?

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