Chapter 26 - Mission

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Pari hadn't come to work nor notified Dev for the past two days. He was becoming more and more worried. It was not like her to not respond to her messages or let him know if she wasn't coming to work. She was usually much more responsible than that. Little did he know that Kabir had taken Pari's phone and had forbade her to ever see Dev again.

She didn't have the courage nor strength to go against his wishes - he controlled her completely and she knew if she broke his rules, her life and even Dev's life would be in danger. She had to protect him. But unfortunately knowing her best friend she felt that he would come searching for her sooner or later and that's what scared her the most.

"Pari, baby...I'm going to work now. I'll be late so don't wait up for me. I'm locking the door from the outside so don't bother opening it from the inside." He said peering into their bedroom. Pari was lying in bed and facing away from the door - she didn't want to see his face. If she had a choice she would have slept in another room but she knew it would enrage him more. Right now she was playing the part of an extra obedient wife - well more like slave.
She listened as the door closed behind Kabir and pulled herself out of bed. She had to find her laptop somehow to send Dev a message, she had to let him know she was fine and not to worry. Kabir left the door of his office room locked and she knew he had put her laptop in there. The past few days she had tried to break into the room once he had left for work but her attempts had been to no avail. She had no idea how to pick a lock so she had tried to find some sort of spare key - if there was even one around which she was sure Kabir wouldn't be stupid enough to leave. Today she was going to try and break the door knob - she would be in deep trouble when Kabir got home but keeping Dev away from her house was more important. She grabbed a heavy book from the shelf and started hitting the door knob - obviously that wasn't going to work, she needed something like a hammer. Then she had an idea! She ran downstairs into the garage and grabbed Kabir's tool box - maybe she could use a screw driver to disassemble the door lock and reassemble it back before Kabir got home. Obviously she had never done anything like this before, she wasn't quite the handy woman but everyone started somewhere.

She slowly unscrewed the nails and the door lock came apart easily to her sheer pleasure. Her heart began to beat faster from the excitement  of finally getting into the room. She rifled through his cupboards and realised half of them were again locked! Damn Kabir and his extreme need to live in secrecy! After a couple minutes of searching she finally came across a set of drawers that weren't locked. She searched through them hastily and to her disgust came across some photos of naked women. Were they women he was seeing? Or were they merely pornographic photos he kept for his own pleasure? She didn't know nor did she care. She knew he was a cheater regardless. She kept searching through the drawers and this time found some photos of Kabir at exotic looking locations with various different women - ugh that dirty bastard! After a couple more minutes of looking, she noticed Kabir's spare phone near his computer. She quickly picked it up and fiddled to unlock it - luckily she knew his passcode because she had helped him set up this phone years ago - but he didn't use it as much anymore. It still had a small amount of battery left so she went online into her email account to send an email to Dev - she couldn't remember his number but she remembered the work email address.

Dev, Kabir's mother fell ill and I have had to be with her. Don't worry about me I'll be in to work some time soon.

She quickly sent the email, logged out of her account and erased the history on the internet browser. She placed the phone exactly where she found it and scrambled out of the room.

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