Chapter 37 - Date

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It took him all he had not to give in and let his emotions overcome at that point of time. Dev didn't want to start something he shouldn't finish.
Pari was taken back by the kiss. She didn't expect him to go for a kiss, especially after how awkward her little confession made him feel. But she didn't mind it one bit.
She rather enjoyed it.
"I'll be back soon." Dev said.
He stood up, grabbed his stuff and left the house to get her the stuff she needed. Pari thought it was the sweetest thing ever how he cared so much for her without wanting anything in return. With Kabir it was different. He always demanded her to do things for him and never cared about her. Even when she was upset about things he never showed a drop of care for her. Thinking back Pari couldn't understand why she had married him in the first place. She felt like the biggest idiot on earth. Wasting so many years in fear. She tried to think of something else. Kabir was history and her future would look bright from now on. Pari decided to make herself some tea. She had to keep herself busy somehow, so she tried to do things that didn't take much effort or energy. Though she had gotten a lot better in Dev's care she didn't want to risk anything. She made some tea and went back to sit down. Dev drove to the local drugstore in the meantime. He went and looked for some pads. Dev decided to get her pads and tampons since he didn't know which she prefers. He also decided to get her some chocolate and more tea and even some painkillers. It was a little period kit he created. He went and paid for everything and made his way home.

Pari sat there drinking her tea in silence. A little later Dev arrived and went inside.
"I got you everything." He said with a smile.
"Thank you." She said.
Dev went and sit down next to her.
"Here's your period kit." He laughed.
"Period kit?" Pari asked confused.
Dev took everything out of the bag and showed her.
"Last but not least chocolate in case you turn out to be a monster!" He teased her.
"Haha very nice, but thank you regardless." She rolled her eyes at him.
Pari thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and took everything and went into the guest room. This room had turned into hers since she had come home from the hospital. Dev had insisted she would stay with him. Pari stored everything and took a little bathroom break.
Dev glanced over to his watch. It was around 7pm. Since there was no dinner planned he thought he would take her out. As a little treat for her recovery.
Pari went back to him and before she could sit down Dev stopped her.

"How about dinner outside tonight?"

"Sounds like a wonderful idea, what do you have in mind?" Pari said excited. As good as Dev made it for her, she needed a little change. A breath of fresh air. And dinner outside sounded about perfect.

"There's a little Italian restaurant nearby, how does that sound?"

"Perfect! I'll go get ready!"

"It's a date then." Dev added and winked to her. Before letting her say anything he went into his room and started to get ready. Pari was confused. A date? Did he mean a real date? Or more like a friendly date? It didn't matter to her for the moment as she couldn't hold back her excitement. She went into her room and tried finding something suitable to wear. She only had a few clothing items from home and nothing good enough for a "date". That did frustrate her a bit, but luckily she remembered that she has a dress which she could wear for this occasion. Pari looked for it and finally found it. It was a simple red dress. Pari put it on, brushed her hair and put on some makeup. She tried to hurry, so Dev wouldn't have to wait too long for her. Dev had gotten ready too. He was dressed in a more elegant shirt and a tie as this was a more "fancy" restaurant. He went and knocked on her door. Pari quickly finished and went to him. Dev was amazed by her beauty. She looked perfect in his eyes. Her dress perfectly complimented her curves and the colour just suit her perfectly.

"You look beautiful!" Dev blurted.
Pari blushed slightly.
"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." She said.
Dev did look handsome too. That suit that gave him a elegant yet sexy look made Pari feel some kind of way.
She couldn't help but fall even more for him.
"Should we go now?" Dev asked.
Pari nodded. And so they left for the restaurant.

Some time later they arrived at the restaurant. They were taken to a free table. Dev took out the chair for her. What a gentleman Pari thought. The waiter brought them their menus and they quickly ordered. For the rest of the night they kept glancing at each other. They had a wonderful time together. Dev kept complementing her. And for a second they both forgot the world around them and all their worries seemed so little. For a moment it felt as if they were a real couple. It felt good for the both of them. As much as both wanted it to be real there was still a hurdle they had to overcome. Dev took her hands in his and gently stroke it.
"I'm having a lovely time, thank you for taking me here." Pari said.
"You're welcome, see it as a little treat." Dev said and smiled.
Suddenly a elderly woman came up to their table.
"I hope I'm not disturbing, but may I say that you two are the most beautiful couple I've ever seen!" She said.

"Oh we are not a.." Pari tried to say.

"Thank you, I'm one lucky man." Dev cut her off.

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