living normal life

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after 2 years...

The bell rang.

"Ugh !" i said groaning as i woke up from a deep sleep...drool evident in my face.

"AMANDA!!" shouted my best friend Emily. "We are getting late you sleepyhead!! its already lunch time, let's go!"

I just groaned again... i hate coming to school when i cannot sleep well. Yes i couldn't sleep yesterday night as i got nightmares after nightmares... Life had turned to normal after that incident which happened on my birthday. my mom hates me. Well.. i guess i'm used to it right now.. last time i heard from her was 8 months ago when she came to give some food. I was surprised as she never came previously... but i guess she still loves me.

I let out an exhausted sigh as i rose up from me desk, ready to go after my excited best friend. Emily held my hand and turned my face only to see a concerned looking girl boring her eyes into mine.

"What's wrong? are you all right?"

"Yeah " i said. "I'm just tired you know. Couldn't sleep well last night."

She asked " nightmares again??" i just nodded my head.

Then we headed towards the cafeteria interwining our hands..

Having a best friend like Emily is really a kind of blessing to me. She maybe irritating and annoying sometimes but she understands me like a mother who understands her child. Only by looking at me she can say what i need or what am i thinking. She's the only one i love so much after my mom. Oh and she has got some looks.. boys will literally run after her if she just dresses properly. Having golden brown hair with green eyes with a fair complexion she just puts up a model like look. But like me she is a tomboy too.

Entering the cafeteria we were met with Blake's angry look.. Blake is my another best friend after Emily. He's like a big brother to me. caring, protective and sweet with hot looks. Girls are crazy for him but as i said.. he stays away from them. Sometimes I feel as if... You know.. Like.. Gay.. It's just my thinking but.. Who knows..

"Where the hell have you been you two?" he asked us in a playful angry look.

"Amanda's been sleeping like a kid the whole period and it took hours to wake her up."  Emily snickered.

I scowled at her and laughing we went to our table.

"Hey am!" blake said.


"Will you come to the fair with us tomorrow?" he asked me with hopeful eyes.

"I'm so sorry Blake i just need some rest so I'll pass" i said truthfully. I didn't like going out too much. i prefer staying at home and watching kung fu hustle.

"Please?? don't say no am, you really need to get out of your boredom life and have some fun. So please." he stated with honesty in his eyes.

"Okay "

"Yayyyyyy !" they both shouted at the same time. After lunch they went to their respective classes as i started walking towards my home.


This word now seemed worthless. IT wasn't my home. Talking about my house.. it was beautiful. A little small but enough for a family to live.. The walls were a colour of light orange and yellow with various pictures of my mom and me.. The dining consisted of a big screen TV with four 5.1 speakers.. A small round table with four chairs lying in a corner.. A flight of stairs arises from the middle leading to my room and two other rooms.. . It was just a place i stayed. I miss my mom. I miss her voice.. it's like a distant memory now. but still i cope up. As i have lovely friends who care for me and love me. with my thoughts i unlocked the front door, closed it and sat down.


a/n: hello lovely people. sorry for the late update. these exams nearly killed me. but here i am updating a new chapter. if you like it please vote and comment ;)

Pic to the side---->>>>>is of our reckless girl Amanda..

chocolate hugs.


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